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It's about 12 a.m. I finally got to find a clock in the corridor. 

The room we enter is dark. There are just two windows letting in moonlight. I can see a box what looked like a coffin in the middle of the room. The guards left me. I'm all alone right now. I'm frightened but I can do this. I know I can. 

Suddenly a shadow comes towards me and a second later red pools of deluted blood eyes are facing me.

This situation is unexplainable. 

Just picture yourself in a large dark room where you can't see anything but two windows and a face close to you with red eyes. picture yourself in a horror movie or in a mansion.

 Just imagine that.

 Suddenly dim lights turn on and the shadow soon has a face. It was the woman I got mad at earlier on, you know the woman I said " ROT IN HELL" to.

" You may proceed young lady... Do what you have to do. Each one of the prisoners have been freed. All you need to do now is wake Charles. That's all..."

I stand in front of the coffin. I can't remember the chant.


 What do I do now? Theo isn't here to help me. I have to figure out what I am going to do quickly. I fake to move my hands on top of the coffin.

" Why isn't he waking up? I can't feel any magic! What are you waiting for to start chanting? Screams the woman.

" Come on Rain do something you can figure something out. Please someone come and save me..."  I whisper to myself so no one can hear it but me.

Just then a shadow barges in the room. The dim lights that were supposed to turn on clearly weren't light enough. I can't tell who the shadow is but it is approaching the crooky woman.

I could figure out just about what he was whispering thanks to my Vampire senses. I could hear, heard them, pentagram, plan, trick, escape, and fake, then the woman groaned.

" I knew it! " She shouted.

By the time she was planning to catch me I run away with my Vampire speed. I had to escape and quick. I go back into the room I was in with Theo but he isn't there.

" Theo where are you?! " I scream at the top of my lungs.

Just then I could hear footsteps coming my direction.

" Quick she's over here somewhere! "

I had to run and be quick.

I'm not leaving without to Theo. There was no way I was going to let myself do that. I run to the first floor and look through every spacious room there was.


I went to the second floor and searched the kitchen.


 Theo couldn't have gone any further. What was the point in him doing that? There were another 19 floors. The buildings siren went on. It was painful to hear. I could feel my ear drums literally smashing into pieces. I speed back to the first floor and I unfortunately fall on the guards.

" Stand still or will shoot! "

I knew I couldn't do anything for the moment. If I even dared to me if I would have more than 20 bullets and 20 knives in my body I choose to use my senses.

I am Rain Salaya,  I am protected and strong,  so more it be.

I grab a metal bar that was lying on the side and I start attacking one guard.  Within a matter of seconds,  he was dead.

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now