~Twenty Seven~

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I woke up this morning with a painful headache, a burning throat and my nose leaking. I was still in my gala dress from last night. Thing is I don't remember what happened to me when I came back home yesterday. I know I came back home and that I triple closed the main door. That I took off my shoes and that I.... Collapsed onto my bed. 

I was ever so tired that I didn't even take off my dress, that was dripping wet, I didn't dry my hair and I didn't take off my makeup.

That's great hygiene!!

I stand up from my bed and I slowly take off my dress to let it dry. I jump into the bathtub to have a hot, nice, smooth, hot shower so that hopefully I feel better from the COLD I just created.

I also wash the damp off my hair.

After that was done ( and that I checked that there was no more makeup on my face) I head in my closet and took out a pair of large gray sweatpants and a baggy white sweater, knowing I was freezing cold when it was like 89 Fahrenheit outside. I grab my socks and my slippers and head downstairs to make some warm chamomile tea. 

Right now I feel like a complete disaster. This is the worst " start of a day" I have ever experienced. Plus I feel like I haven't had enough sleep. 

I slowly walk down the stairs and I head into the kitchen. Whilst I was going to grab the tea box, I see my mom reading the daily newspaper with a glass of juice on the table.

" Um... Hey Mom" I say with a pinched and slightly soar voice.

" Hey sleepy head."

She stands up from the dining table and comes towards me for a hug.

" Umm no mom, I'm sick."

" Awww sweatheart... Don't worry I'm a Vampire" She touches my forehead looking surprised.

" Well that's unfortunate. You took the witch's sensitiviy to sicknesses instead of the Vampire's fight against it!"

" What is that supposed to mean?"

She cups my head with her hands.

" It means that I'm going to take care of you my little hybrid"

My mom is acting really strange. She always wanted me to feel safe and healthy but her telling me that she's going to take care of me is something my mom never said. Maybe she's trying to be nice after the long distance we had starting from my birthday.

" Are you okay Mom?"

" Yes Rain I'm okay. I just want to stay with you today. We haven't had a mother daughter time in a long time..."

We aren't supposed to have a " Mother Daughter time"  when your daughter is suffering from a cold!!!!

" Okay..."

" Anyways what did you do these two days when I wasn't here?" She said putting water in the kettle.

" Like I said the other day, before yesterday I stayed two hours at Elly's for catching up and yesterday I was.... ATTCCHOO!!!"

Luckily the sneezing came because that gave me enough time to figure out a lie that I was going to tell her except from " I stayed home all day." or " Actually I went to a party with Elly for Jason because I had out find the truth about dad and get 70 billion from another demonated hybrid".

Wait now that I think about it....

How comes Kirsty Grace is still alive?

I thought I was the only demonated Hybrid around but according to Jason that's not true.

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