~ Twenty Three ~

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" I owe you an apologie Matt."

" For what, I'm the one who did this to you. You started killing because of me, you-"

" That's not true you didn't make me kill people, I killed 4 people long before I went away!"

" You killed those people because I WASN'T FUCKING WITH YOU RAIN!! If I were with you and protected you like I was supposed to, none of this would of happened! NONE OF IT."

" Matt...."

" Rain you got raped because of me okay? I was with your best friend when that happened. If I didn't stay with Elly you wouldn't have gone through this! You killed 17 people Rain you're not innocent anymore because of who? Because of the bastard right in front of you!"

" Matt liste-"

" No Rain you listen, I owe you an apologie, you don't owe me anything okay. If you hate me for the rest of my existence I'll accept it okay?"

" Matt you dont understand, I-"

" Do you not see it Rain! I fucking started a love story with you to ended up with your best friend!!"

" THAT'S NOT YOU FAULT okay? Its normal for you to fall in love Matt and the fact that I'm not innocent anymore just happened. It would of happened eventually. Imagine that it would of happened 2 years from now would you of blamed yourself?"

" Rain it's amazing. It's amazing how you don't know how to fucking face the facts that I'm the bad guy here. I didn't do my duty right and you were about to get killed because of me!! Stop trying to forgive me because what I did is unforgivable."

" Can't you see Matt! This is a mistake among others. We've all made mistakes but we forgive each other."

" Your mom will never forgive me Rain stop trying to get me back into your life alright? I've been out of it the day I chose ELLY OVER YOU!"

" Matt...-"

" Shut it Rain just shut up. I've always wanted to be with you, to make you happy to be the one you love but you forgot about me, you hate me, you've replaced me you've-"

" So this is about me now?! You're the reason Matt. I was mad at you at first but i forgave you the minute I regretted of of opening my gob to tell my mom the truth. You don't know how I want to go back to that very moment-"

" But you can't, you can't so don't try and apologize. I don't want your apologies!"

" WHAT?! Matt you're an asshole you hear me an ASSHOLE! Y-you have n-no idea on how much I loved you. You broke my heart swapping me for Elly, for leaving me in Jason's care in drama class when you could have been the one to save me. You don't don't want my apologies fine but don't expect me to give up on you that easily!"

I catch my breath again with tears falling down my eyes. How could he?

I look at Elly who's staring at me at me with he " don't worry about it" look. I'm not going to give up on him, if that's what he's thinking.

" Rain can I talk to you for a second?" Asks Elly.

Elly and I leave the doorway and head to the kitchen whilst Matt stayed in the living room.

" E-Elly I can't believe it! How could he?! How could he fucking do this to me!"

" Shhh... Rain calm down I'm hear for you. I wanted to say sorry for everything. I-I betrayed you, stabbed you in the back. I went out with Matt behind your back and I took him away from you. If I wasn't damn alive Jason would of never did what he did to you and you wouldn't have to go away to Manhattan. You and Matt would probably be a couple right now if it weren't for me... You would never of been grounded and you would never have killed innocent people. This is all because of me, don't blame Matt. Blame me..."

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