~ Twenty One ~

40 6 3

" Who do you think you are? he says

I take him and drag him downstairs with my strength. I knew I could drag him, but being stronger than him, I don't think I ever will be.

We get back downstairs and my mom is standing staring at me then Matt

" So you're telling my mom that I took a trip to London. It's true I truly needed great vacation in the middle of a school semester. " I say sarcastic.

" That's not what I said!"

" What did you say then?"

" I didn't say anything."

" Matt is there something you're not telling me?" asks my mom

" Positive Tchiya. I didn't tell you the truth."

" What is there that I don't know?"

" I was distracted and Jason brought Rain to the Clave..."

" Jason Halestone... that young boy still wants his revenge doesn't he?"

" Mom, after I was brought to the Clave I was going to die. They threatened me that I was going to get my body burnt for being a demon. But Theo is the one who saved me from all of it. I ran away from the process with him who protected me by betraying his Clave partners. We ran away to the London Institute."

" The Infend?" groans Matt

" What about the Infend?"

" Why do you have it? And what is the scar about?" my mom asks

" I got shot in the leg by a guard whilst I fought with sixteen of them. And the Infend is a long story."

" I swear to god Rain if you don't tell me why you have the Infend you're not getting out of your room ever again unless you have to go school."

" If I tell you then you're gonna hate Theo even more..."

" Then be it. I want to know what he has done to my daughter."

" For me to run away from the clave I had to fake the awakening of Charles the greatest demon."

" Theo made you do that?!"

" Yes! And luckily he did because I proposed to the Clave to awaken Charles for real in exchange of the prisoners lives set free... If it wasn't for Theo, Charles would probably of been awake by now and destroy anyone on its path!"

" And then?"

" In order for me to do all that I had to have my magic to appear. I was showing no sign of magic but only vampirism so Theo had to take it from my future which is 9 years from now!"

" Theo is a Warlock?! The day I meet him I swear-"

" Mom you used to be a witch, you're not going to do anything to someone of your kind. I was saying... because Theo took my magic from the futur, I started to hallucinate and have weird visions. I would just randomly start screaming and talk nonsense. So Theo created the Infend for me in order to get better."

" How long?"

" How long what?"

" How long do you have to take the Infend?"

" It's already been 4 days so I've got 10 days left."

" He took your magic 4 days ago?"

" No! It started to manifest around 24 days after."

" You do know that the infend is only made by angelic creatures right?."

" Yes Theo has angelic blood in his blood."

" How come?"

" I didn't ask. Why?"

" I don't want you to approach or to communicate with him ever again. This guy could have killed you taking your magic away like that!"

" Yes well he didn't! You're not going to make me stop talking to him when this is all Matt's fault for being distracted. If he didn't choose Elly over me then I think your daughter wouldn't have to take the infend!!"

" Him... choosing...Elly....over...YOU! What is this about!"

" Matt had an affair with Elly and I. I loved him and so did he but then he left me for Elly. After I got raped by Jason, Matt came to look after me but then Jason came in and threatened to kill Elly if he didn't let go of me. Matt chose Elly and there we are."

Then I realised that I should of kept my mouth shut because now Matt was going to be in deep trouble.

" Jason... Raping...YOU! MATT LEAVE THIS HOUSE NOW! You were supposed to babysit my daughter not the opposite. I'm disappointed. You disappointed me again! I gave you a second chance but you blew it. Next time you place your filthy feet in this house I shall cut your neck in half. GET OUT NOW! I don't want to see you!"

" Mom it's not his fault!"

" And you better be quiet Rain! You are never approaching Matt OR Theo again!"

" This is insane Mom you're pathetic acting the way you're acting! I wish I didn't even come home."

Wrong move.

" I've never been this disappointed in you Rain."

Matt takes his jacket and leaves the house without turning around.

This is when my guilt started...


Hey Angels,

I told you that the chapter was going to be short! Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying your vacation and having a good life at the moment. And remember always look at the bright side of things ;)

Don't forget to Comment Follow and Vote!

Kisses my lil' angels Mwah 👼👼! I love you all sho much you can't imagine... 


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