~Thirty One~

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10 years after...

"Hey princess" says Matt.

" Hey Matty"

" How did you sleep tonight"

"Do I even have to talk about that? Sleeping with you by my side was the best thing that ever happened to me."

" Oh wow you are beautiful, as always..."

"  Oh thank you handsome..."

" So what do you want to eat today darling?"

" French variety please with coffee con leche."

" Be right back, don't go anywhere"

I am lying down on a huge king sized bed . Our hotel room was beautiful.

The bed was in the middle of the room and right next to the bed was a vanity stall circled inbetween two lamps. In front of the bed was a red small couch just in front of a window hovered in red curtains. There's also the mini table where Matt and I played board games.

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My life is currently perfect. I have a beautiful husband and the great night of my life.

Yesterday was also the most beautiful day.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear some shouting and a sudden scream.

A male scream.

But it wasn't Matt's so I didn't care. Matt was the only guy I cared about.

Matt comes back with a tray. He put the tray down on the table by the window and joins me on the bed. He kisses my forehead and stares at my hand.

" How much did you pay the ring baby?" I ask.

" Does that matter princess? It didn't do anything to our wedding..."

I smile at him and he kisses my nose.

" Yesterday was the best day of my life" he whispers in my ear while kissing my neck.

I smile as he stands up and heads for the tray of food.

" Sit up babe it's time to eat..."

He hands me the tray and lifts up the lid.

I scream at the sight.

His blond hair....

His blue eyes...

His face...

Blood was everywhere...

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