~Forty Four~

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I slowly woke up from a sleep that seemed to have lasted forever. I slowly open my eyes to see a small dim light reminding me of the Clave I went to in Manhattan. The same Clave where I met the woman with the blooded pools in her eyes. I suddenly hear small footsteps coming towards the main door. I see the shadows of the footsteps approach. I close my eyes slowly, scared that the person coming will attack me.

" Don't worry sweatheart I'm not going to hurt you..."

My body and muscles still weak. I don't move. I can't. I feel strong hands pick me up as if I was as light as a feather. I suddenly feel my body placed on something soft and then covered up in something even softer. I rest easy, forgetting about everything that was going on. Forgetting about Theo, Matt and Elly...


I slept for what seems like days. I suddenly stand up from my sleeping position and look all around me. Nothing and most of all i dont recognise the place.

" Rain Riverton Salaya, happy to see that you're awake and well."

I turn my head to the left and here he was. The guy in the black tuxedo was looking right through my soul. I didn't want to look at him though. Not now, not ever. He was the cause of the misery I'm currently dealing with.

" I understand that you don't want to talk to me Rain. I get it, but you're going to need me if you want to know more about the red moon..."

*I yawn* " You know what, I don't want to know no shit. I'm fine. I wanna live my life like a normal young woman!"

" But you aren't a normal woman Rain. Have you seen your family lineage? Do you even know who your parents are and what they represent in both the underworld, the shadoworld and the real world?"*

" I know I know. But just because they have chosen that kind of life does not mean that I have to live the same life as them! I didn't choose this for myself, they chose it for themselves and now I'm here searched for to die just because of the mistakes these people did!"

"These people are your family Riverton. Don't ever forget that. They live with you on and on and-"

" You think they live with me on and on huh?Where's my dad? I haven't seen him since I can remember. He's a vampire, he's not dead. If really he loved me he would be here whenever I would have needed help. Whenever I would need someone, he would have appeared. he certainly wouldn't let me stay on this path full of danger, agony, remorse and death. This is so not what he would have wanted for his daughter!"

" Riverton you are a very powerful vampire and witch. He knows you don't need protection. He's there when necessary. Haven't you seen him in your dreams? He's your father Rain and he knows every thing you do, every time you go out, every time anything happens to you. He knows Rain, trust me he knows. You just don't know that he knows."

" I don't know if you are aware but my life hasn't been doing great since my mom left for Africa. Jason's been a total perverted jerk towards me, I got in trouble with the Clave where I was actually about to die. I got involved in a plane accident where I was the only survivor out of more than 700 people. He wasn't there, isn't here, wouldn't have been there and wouldn't be here. My life is a total mess and I'm here trying to solve it. All. By. Myself."

" You still don't know do you?"

" Don't know what?"

" You can't get away with the red moon. If you don't let me help you... you will die Rain."

" I already interacted with you before and what did it cause? Pain to both me and my friends. I died. And now I'm here, lucky to be alive and you want me to collab with you again?"

" It was a test to see if you'd listen to me but you were stubborn. You know that I don't like it when people disobey."

" Now how am I supposed to know that?"

" Do you accept my help?" he doesn't answer me.

" What do you want? Why are you so eager to come in my life, destroy it, leave and them come back."

"You forgot helping."

" You don't want to help me. You just need me because I'm from a great family lineage. I don't even know a single thing about you... I don't even know where you're from!"

" You'll know eventually, don't worry..."

" Hmm weird."

"So? Rain Riverton Salaya do you trust me?"

I thought about everything. This guy, since i know him, hasn't helped me once. He helped me leave Chicago to go London see Theo but that led to what? To my death.

He's been scaring the crap outta me since the very beginning. I couldnt accept. I had to do this my way.

I was facing the red moon alone...

"RAIN!" He says whilst flicking his fingers straight at my face making me jump and instantly grabbing me out of my thoughts.

" Yeah uh sorry..." I mumbled.

" So?" he asked with with a questionning tone. I couldn't see his face but i'm sure that if I did, I would have seen a brow climb higher than the other.

" No." I respond firmly.

"What? What do you mean no? You wanna die or worse, kill?

" No I won't die, I know I won't."

"Rain you need to accept my help."

" Not this time, not this time."

"I'm going to face the blood moon event by myself..."

Guys I'm so sorry it's been so long ever since i published the last chapter. I've been sooooo busy but now i have time. Take care of yourselves and your family from the Coronavirus this virus is not a joke.

Love y'all

Daisy xx

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