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Elly had fallen asleep around 1 hour ago now. Matt and Theo were very probably sound asleep and I couldn't sleep. I'm currently thirsty but leaving my blankets and leaving my bed wasn't an idea.

I'm not gonna do that.

I keep thinking all over again about the meaning of  my life and if it all makes sense.

How the hell did the fucking crash happen?

I still have no idea. Only if I had a guess of who it would be then everything would of been fine.
But no I still don't know and trust me that's annoying.

Theo is also swimming in my mind. I don't know when we're gonna start talking to each other again. I have no idea and I just so could wish that we could be talking to each other right.

I turn right on my bed, left. I roll and turn. But it's not happening.

With the one and only fact that I'm thirsty, I can't close my eyes.

As if my eyes needed water too.


I savagely get out of bed and slump my way to the kitchen.

Wanna imagine what that felt like?

Don't act as if you never went cozy into your bed and then feel that you need to pee urgently. But you tell yourself " nah it's gonna be fine l, I can hold it in..." . Then suddenly a few minutes later the pee is knocking and you really need to get your ass outta bed just to go empty the thing.

What I've just been through is exactly that but worst because I feel like I got out of bed for the stupidest reasons.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. Grab the water filter and pour some water in my mouth.

Fuck the cup! I was too thirsty.

"That's a savage way to drink water." says a voice.

I turn around, the water filter still in my hand and water drooling over my mouth.

" I'm sorry I was just really thirsty..." I say.

Theo closed the kitchen door and walks towards me. I freak out little. I don't know what he's gonna do.

Kill me?

" Are you awake for the same reason as I am awake?" he asked.

" Why are you awake?"

" Because I just felt like I couldn't carry on living my life here when you were the reason why I came here..."

" Yes me too." I mumble." So are we in the clear now?..."

" No Rain. No... we're not in the clear. I owe you an apologie-"

" For what?"

" Because..." he sighs " I never told you my full name and didn't tell you about my family's traditions"

" You knew about it all along!?"

" Yes kinda but when I met you I didnt think about that at all. I swear down Rain the story we had was real and I had no intentions of hurting you behind all of the shit."

" How am I supposed to believe you?! You guys do know how to get your prey."

" Jeez Rain..." he says sighs whilst putting his hands in his hair."I dont know how to say and do this exactly but I really need you to believe me."

" I'll try to understand you. To believe you Theo. I really want to believe you but its not that simple. For months I've been wondering whay you were up to. Wether you wanted to kill me or not. I didn't know what to think."

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now