-----55th string-----

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Faye’s face is burning red. Her eyes are closed but she’s breathing heavily. I can’t tell if she’s asleep or not.

We were in the middle of kuya Mike’s epic story when Nami came running shouting my name. She went to me directly and whispered about Faye being drunk. She brought me to this house and I found Faye lying on the sofa. They told me she was drunk. I went to my car to get her meds but she was already throwing up when I went back. She lost her consciousness so I had to bring her to this room. And now, I’m Faye’s good samaritan again.

I wrung the towel and put it on her forehead. Her eyes opened. She got up and stared at me blankly. My brows furrowed, bemused. Now what?

Her cheeks flushed even more. She closed her eyes. Now I’m trying to figure out what came up that made her get herself drunk.

“Faye.” I called but she didn’t move.

She opened her eyes and put her hands on my shoulders.

She started to get closer. Her face is approaching mine.

Closer... Closer.

She’s looking at my lips. She’s aiming for my lips.

I was almost falling for her trap when I stopped her. This is the very reason why I hate her drunk. She kisses anyone who gets in her way.

I pushed her gently to widen the distance between us.

“B...bakit... Vano?” her eyes are pleading while staring at my lips.

“You don’t just kiss me when you’re drunk, Faye. You did it before and I won’t let you do it again.” I answered looking straight into her eyes.

I really dislike the fact that I got to kiss her when I was drunk and I let her kiss me when she was drunk too. I badly want to claim her lips, yes, but I want to kiss her because I love her and I want her to kiss me back because she loves me too. Not because of some damn alcohol invading her mind.

I was surprised when a tear escaped from her tired eyes.

“Hey. What’s wrong?” I asked as I cupped her chin.

Her eyes widened but there wasn’t a minute when she fell on the bed and lost her consciousness again.

I took the towel and put it back on to her forehead.

I’ve been watching her sleep. It has been an hour or two but I can’t help myself stop from staring at her melancholic face. Something’s bothering her.

Her eyes are closed but a tear fell from her left eye again. She’s asIeep yet she cries. I hate it when she cries.

Forgive me Lord for I am a thief.

For a minute, I claimed her lips.

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