Chapter 8

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I turn the key to my car off and pull it out from the ignition, something Marshall couldn't do, I really shouldn't be cracking jokes like this. My head has been in the clouds all day and I made it to chapter seven in my story, but what's the point when the problems with Marshall and I are just beginning?

Emma and Tommy aren't home yet, I don't think they'll be home till eightish and it's 7:47 right now. Every time I read a clock all I think of is my seventh grade teacher telling me time is a made up illusion and it fucks with me every single time. Stop doing this. I've been so fucking out of it all day I need to get my fucking head straight and keep it that way.

I sigh myself out of a day dream and try to focus my mind on other things before walking inside and seeing the soon to be empty apartment. Only me, myself, and I.

Some of the cars I notice are familiar: the blue one, the green one, those three black ones, that bronze one... I don't know the names of them, but I do know them by color and that one looks really familiar. That black vehicle over there, but I don't fucking know.

Miah get the hell out of the car you're just fucking sitting here like a psychopath staring at some girl's car. Oh shit there's the girl. Great now I look like a fucking lesbian.

I shake my head a bit and get out of my car, locking the doors, and leaving my fantasies and day dreams locked in there with my bag of some baby clothes from a woman at my work. I don't know how she found out, but I am partially thankful so I guess it was very kind of her.

Ugh stairs. I just want to get into my fucking apartment and fall straight into bed and finally say fuck this day. Stop with your day dreams Jesus fucking shit, just get out of your head and get in your home.

I force myself up the first flight with some determination in my steps, the second flight has some determination, the third is slower and more heavy, and finally the fourth and final flight is over dramatic and painful.

My body has been sore all week. I could run a marathon themed with these steps and now I can barely walk them. My thighs ache, my feet are cramping, my tits are sore, and my eyes burn like the wind is blowing directly in them. I sigh heavily with the pain on my mind and turn the key, unlocking the door, and exposing... all of this.

My body freezes and my eyes wander in amazement and wonder at the scenery left by- by... someone? Tommy or Emma probably for hurting me earlier. This seems like a thing that Emma would do to be extra.

Dozens of white rose petals scatter the floor with small crystals glistening amongst them giving a charismatic flow to the room. On my coffee table is a book and three vases of red roses to scent the rest of the room and make the walking through petals experience more life like for me. Of course it's working, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

I shut the door and walk gently through the petals and over to the book, "101 Baby Names." I mumble with a small smile as I touch the cover and drag my finger over the smiling baby's face.

They did this for me. I know this was Emma because the first serious question she asked about this baby was what I was going to name it. I have no idea most names have been ruined for me by bitchy people, but that's not the point. The true point is that they love me and really went this extra mile even though I'm acting like a selfish sociopath.

I grab the book and dash through the petals, kicking a few of them up slightly as I go, to Emma's and Tommy's room.

I push the door open with their smiling faces and warm grins in my mind, them both on the bed just waiting for me to come running in like a child who is perfecting walking.

"Thank you so much for the- the nothing because you're not here.".

I look around their empty and creepily clean room for them, but of course my hopes are strangely wrong. No Emma and no Tommy. No one except for those two have a key so what the fuck- no I mean who the fuck did this?

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