Chapter 35

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"I... love watching him. You know? He's not freaking out or letting his thoughts ruin him. He's happy and... not getting into trouble because hey! How do you get into trouble when you're asleep?"

"You don't. Now my question is, is he asleep or is he passed out?"

"Passed out, but he's still asleep isn't he?"

"You got me there baby girl.".

I love when people call me baby girl or lil momma! Something about hearing those names just makes my heart burst from my chest and find it's way to the person who called me it.

Marshall started to call me that when we first began dating. He would run his fingers through my hair and whisper it to me. He would wake up in the morning and the first words out of his mouth were how did you sleep baby girl? My heart would thud at the sound of him.

Yet- it slowly... ever so slowly over time wore away. It's okay, I mean it's life and every now and then he'll say it to me with a silly grin on his face and a sparkle in his bright blue eyes.

I smile a little At the thought of them, but I can't drown in this thought forever. I look over at her slightly, "I know it's noon, but I'm trying to get rid of the rest of this wine so... you want a glass?".

She smiles herself and shakes her head slightly and almost as if she's... amused? "Recovering alcoholic.".

Of fucking course Miah! Ugh. That was such a stupid ass question. Why the hell would I even ask something like that?

"You don't have to make that face, plenty of people have asked me to drink, but I'm strong and steadyily working on bettering myself."

"I'm sorry I feel so stupid for asking... I should've known-"

"But you didn't. It's perfectly okay. I will on the other hand take one of the diet Coke's in your fridge."

"Their Marshall's."

"Oh I know they are.".

My laugh is loud and I don't mean it to be as she gets up and pulls the first can she sees from the door of the fridge. She opens it in a second and takes a swig of it.

She sits back down at the table, pushing her dirty blondish brownish hair behind her shoulder, and staring at me with soft blue eyes. Familiar and comforting blue eyes may I add.

"You seem like you're in a really good mood today." She says taking another drink of the soda, "like over the top good for a woman seven months pregnant.".

"Yeah well uh... it was just yesterday that has me in a mood I guess."

"Marshall getting drunk makes you happy?"

"No! It was just- something he said."

"Something sweet? Awe. He can be such an angel sometimes I swear."

"Yeah it was the sweetest thing I've been heard from him."

"What'd he say?"

"... what'd he ask actually.".

Her eyes start to light up and her face looks shocked for a moment as her mind begins to image every word Marshall said to me. Every possible way he could've and every way he imagined it himself.

Will you marry me? God the words have been replaying in my head for hours. He really asked me to marry him! Me! He asked me. I mean he was drunk, but he fucking asked me! If Evan wouldn't have fucking walked in I would've told him yes... maybe. After he sobered up and after the babies were born, but yes would've come out of my mouth faster than any answer I've ever given.

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