Chapter 21

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"I'm not crippled Marshy I can carry it myself."

"It's not good for your back to carry a back pack."

"And where the hell did you read this, Goop by Gwyneth Paltrow."

"Nah it was in a um... damn that Life magazine."

"You're ridiculous.".

Marshall smirks and hits my butt lightly with one of the three bags in his right hand. There's five in total. One in his left, three in right, and my back pack on his back... well two of the bags aren't suitcases like the others one is his backpack and the other is a gift bag for my parents. I felt like being nice about all of this.

As we approach the dark oak looking door I slide the card into the little key thing and push the door open holding it for Marshall as he carries everything in. I tried to take stuff from him, but he kept fighting with me about it. Acting like a real man's man. So I gave up and now he's doing whatever.

I push the door shut and lock it behind me watching Marshall as he puts all the bags down and then collapses on the hotel bed face down.

This is a perfect chance for me to smother him with... my love and affection. Hah! Not with a pillow!

I gently pull my backpack off of him, dropping it to the side, and slowly straddle onto Marshall's back starting to gently rub his shoulders. "What're you thinking about?" I mumble putting a lot of pressure on his lower shoulder blades to help ease any stress and pain he may have.

"I want a cheeseburger."

"Me too, now that you brought it up. I can order room service or something."

"No I want one from a restaurant."

"Dairy Queen has some bomb ass cheeseburgers and I'm so down because they also have Orange Julius drinks and I need a Mango in my life!"

"You wanna drive us there baby."

"Yeah let me get a shower first, I didn't get one last night."

"Yeah and you really should of."


I pick myself up off of Marshall even though I would so much rather lay out on him for the next hour and half and just say fuck it to this whole stressful ass day. He smells so good and he's so warm against me.

He's been so stressed out about everything today to the point where he almost got us lost since he was in his day dreams and not listening to me as I continued to yell... go left Marshall. Left! He went right and did an illegal U-turn to get us back on track. Super cute.

Not cute, but concerning actually. A lot of things are on his mind and he never speaks up about it. It worries me more than anything in this world, especially, with his past experience with suicide and drugs and all that shit he was doing. I try to get him to tell me about stuff, but he just sits there and says it's not something I should be worrying about. It has nothing to do with me. Whatever.

I grab a pair of leggings, a thong, a shirt, and of course my bra as I make my way into the bathroom. It's an okay size and a bright creamy white color to make it seem cleaner and pleasant. I guess it's all perspective. Doesn't matter to me as long as there is running water and no weird animals running around then I don't give a damn.

I turn to put my things up somewhere so my dumb ass doesn't lose them- "Marshall!" I yell shoving him back roughly trying to catch my breath and get myself to calm down.

He smiles and props himself up on the counter laughing slightly, "what, did I scare ya.".

"Yeah a little damn. I'm gonna put a bell around your neck."

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