Chapter 9

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I slowly open my eyes with voices filling the room around me and filling my head like a catchy song. My eyes are blurry, I can barely hear, and I already feel the vomit tickling it's way up my throat. I swallow hard to force it back down and simply close my eyes to ignore the people's loud and rough voices, but that isn't working.

Why the fuck would it? It's not like someone is trying to sleep here or anything. It's fucking early, I don't know what time it is, but I know it's not early enough to be fucking arguing over my sleeping form!

"I can make her breakfast, I wouldn't trust you to make it anyways."

"You have work and I'm my own boss so no Emma I can cook for her."

"Why so you can blow up my kitchen and poison her and the baby. Yeah like I'm really going to let you cook."

"I wouldn't fucking do that!"

"You said you wouldn't get her pregnant, but guess who was with her when the doctor took her blood for the test."

"Stop fighting." I mumble loudly and cover my head with the closest throw pillow I have, "and someone grab me a bucket I don't want to get up for an hour of morning sickness.".

A hand gently glides up and down my back and because of it's size and how low it goes to my butt I quickly realize that it's Marshall.

He coos some soft and whispy noise into my ear and makes his motions with his hand a bit heavier and some how more comforting for me. Whatever the two of them were arguing about quickly leaves my thoughts as all I think about is Marshall.

My body stretches out a bit then relaxes back down into his touch just as my eyes slowly open to see him for the first time this morning.

He's watching me softly with a soft smile on his face and a loving glare in his eyes. His beard looks like he shaved it a little to shape it to whatever way he likes it... I personally don't like the thing he does with the neck part, but it's his face not mine. It still makes him look like a daddy- if you know what I mean. His eyes are bright as always and his hair is a darker shade and a little wet so my guess is that he got a shower.

I try to stretch then feel something begin to slide off of me- what is laid out on me? Oh it's his jacket. This one is actually one of the ones that I stole from him and hoarded away in my closet. Ever wonder why he never wears the same jacket twice? I've been stealing them for a year and a half. I have jackets he wore from 2002 in there. The light blue jacket he wore when he performed with Elton John... yep. Stole it too.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Hey, what time is it?"

"Almost eight, wanna get up and have breakfast."

"I don't- feel good.".

He barely gets a word out as I get up and roughly nudge him away from me. His look is confused and his stare holds with mine as a burning sensation fills my throat. I rush to the bathroom and push the door open to Tommy standing at the sink brushing his teeth and watching me in horror with my red and sickened face. I drop myself to the floor and puke into the toilet.

My throat burns, my eyes water, and  everything around me spins. A bunch of different hands touch me and a thousand voices fill my head with each one asking the same question. Are you okay?

No I'm not okay! I'm puking my guts up and these three roommates of mine are standing here watching me like a side show attraction.

I puke again and again feeling like there is truly nothing more to come up, but for my baby there is always more so I do it one or two more times... I'm beginning to lose count of this bullshit.

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