Chapter 14

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His head is buried in his arm, his eyes are shut plus surprisingly still, and my favorite thing by far is his plump and calm lips.

Marshall found his way to the couch last night after our little disagreement and fell asleep without a blanket or a pillow. There are pillows I mean what kind of twisted person doesn't have pillows on a couch? I'm getting off topic. My point is there are pillows, but all four of them are at his feet... his feet that still have the shoes on. He is so under prepared for sleep it's ridiculous and it kind of makes me feel guilty.

I smile a little through the bitterness in my mouth and check his watch on the table 4:39am. I'm up from morning sickness... well thirty minutes ago I was up from morning sickness and now I just can't get back to sleep so I stumbled my way out here and now I'm sitting on the ground in front of the couch watching Marshall sleep.

He's adorable and peaceful when he rests. It's probably my favorite thing in the world to sit up for simply five minutes and watch him in this state.

No worries clouding him. No words racing through his head. No pain in his mind. Nothing, but his dreams and his stillness. I love seeing him at peace like this actually I love seeing anyone at peace like this.

One of my favorite quotes is Many people struggle with sleep because sleep requires peace. I know it's pretty negative, but realistic all the same.

Marshall moves a little for a moment then settles down again- wait I'm wrong. What the is he doing? Marshall kicks his feet around for a moment trying to find a place for them to get comfortable, but I guarantee that his shoes are making him unhappy.

I slide down to his feet and untie them so he can kick them off and in seconds, just like the genius I am and predicted, Marshall steps on the heels and kicks them off to the ground. He curls into a sweet little ball bringing his feet up to his butt and tucking his head further into his arm.

My hand finds his cheek in the darkness laying gently on his beard and smiling into the darkness. I love his beard I do, but my favorite Marshall phase is probably the blonde. I miss it, but then again I love him no matter his style.

I smile faintly feeling his air from his nose on my wrist with each heavy sigh he makes. It's cute and reminds me of the first time we slept together.

I mean there wasn't much sleeping more napping then waking up and going again, but the point is Marshall's breaths still touched my neck and made me shiver slightly every time he hugged me closer to him.

"I love you." I whisper to him hoping beyond everything that he'll wake up and whisper the words back to me then hug me and kiss me and run away with me, but this is reality and of course his sleep is more important than the sweet nothings.

I turn my back to him and lean against the couch keeping my hand on his cheek and laying my head back on his arm. My head moves up and down with his air making me smile and close my eyes just for a moment to keep them from burning.

It's peace. Wherever he is there's a peaceful air around him when I'm there. We could be in the biggest fight and we could've just screamed that we hate each other at one another and as long as I feel his body against mine then the peace is back and everything is fine.

Everything is fine and life is... dare I once again say peaceful? Heh. I really have to find another word to describe him like this because peaceful is starting to annoy me.

** ** ** ** ** **
July 20th, 2017

"I can't believe you did that to me." I yell taking off my wet shirt and throwing it at Marshall who's hiding from me behind his hotel bed.

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