Chapter 23

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A part of me wants to run up to him and hug him, but the other part of me wants to slap the shit out of him for even showing up here after moving to Colorado. Why is it my luck that his ass would show up the exact week Marshall and I do.

What have I done this week? Is this karma or my shitty luck I can't avoid. Stop staring at him like that Miah, just turn to Marshall and stand by him.

My feet lead me first as I walk over to Marshall hugging his waist like a scared little kid.

I squeeze him lightly against my small body, nudging his arm to wrap around my shoulders, and slightly showing Calvin that I love Marshall. That Marshall is my life.

Calvin smiles a little his eyes not once leaving me no matter how hard Marshall glares at him with cold blue eyes. Something I can definitely say he is good at is holding eye contact. It doesn't even have to be actual eye contact more staring than anything. If Calvin sees something he likes or if someone is speaking to him he stares without looking away. Sometimes I think he knows how beautiful his eyes are and knows he can get whatever he wants when he bats them.

They're a brown lighter than my own, but still darker than the average color. They sound boring and plain when I first describe them, don't get me wrong when I say if you could see the golden ring around them you would fall in love with him too. His face is pale, he has plump pink lips, and a constant concerned look that plagues his expression.

His hair is supposed to be a light brown with a hint of red, but he's been dying it since our Junior year so it's been about five different colors since then. First blonde, silver, blue, black with lavender tips, dark brown, and once more today it's blonde. Not just blonde I mean Slim Shady's platinum blonde. Almost white. Freshly soaked peroxide kind of hair.

"Are you okay?" Calvin mumbles awkwardly and softly to me as if he doesn't actually want to ask me, but knows he should.

I blink a couple of times pulling myself from Marshall's body and unraveling the two of us from our hold, "Yeah I was just-".

"Day dreaming. I know, I can tell."

"How can you tell exactly?"

"Because it's obvious, unless you're really possessed?"

"No you already know your girl don't fuck with no demons.".

Calvin smirks and chuckles a little. I smile and cross my arms slightly looking his small body up and down.

By small I actually mean average body for a 25 year old boy. Average 5'6 height with an average thin build. I'm just saying small because I'm so used to Marshall who's 5'8 and has a muscular build.

I drift my eyes back up to Calvin's eyes keeping my smile on him while he continues to stare back at me. He's cute, but I don't miss him. I mean. He was my first so I can't just push him away from me forever... he always gonna be in my stories or apart of me some how... I hate how much he did. I don't miss him.


I look over at Marshall who looks pissed at both Calvin and I. I lose my smile and the weird heat in my cheeks as my black eyes skim his blue ones. My body sort of shrinks from him as I look over again at Calvin with a fake smile on my lips, "this is Marshall by the way, he's my baby daddy.".

"And her boyfriend." Marshall speaks up suddenly with aggression building in his voice.

Calvin smiles at Marshall sweetly, "you have a great girl.".

"Yeah, you never deserved her."

"Marshall let's grab the pizza and go, mom and dad are probably confused on why we're taking so long.".

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