Chapter 34

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"Marshall stop! Please don't do this."

"I just wanna talk to him."

"No you don't you want to go out there and pick a fight about some bull shit idea this drunk version of you made up."

"I'm not drunk."

"Which leads into my next point that you shouldn't even be drinking!"

"I had a glass Miah!"

"You had a bottle! Marshall you're better than this I know for damn sure that you are."

"Apparently, I'm not better than that little bitch!".

I thought dragging him in here was hard. Keeping him from leaving this room to go beat the shit out of Evan is like holding back a raging bull. I told Evan never mind not to come that Marshall doesn't want him here to just spend his day with his little girlfriend, but no.

I'm going to kill him. Marshall is going to be raising the babies by himself because momma is going to be in jail.

Marshall starts to calm down a little his eyes lightening up and his face turning back to it's regular pale color as he sits on the edge of our bed and lays his head in his palms.

He's driving himself crazy with this in his head. I hate seeing him like, but there's nothing I can do he just fights back with me on everything. I tell him he's a good dad and he freaks out, I tell him nothings happening between Evan and I and he freaks out. It's a fucking lose-lose situation. He's miserable and I'm... here.

Marshall is an incredible person, why doesn't he see that. I wish I could just reach in his head and shove the idea into his brain.

"Hey." I mumble as sit next to him and lock my arm with his, "what're you thinking about?".

He shrugs.

I rub his leg a little and lay my head against his gently kissing his sweet little ear and hoping for the best in all honesty. "Are you thinking about Jackson or Evan?".

"Leave me alone."

"Talk to me."

"Why. So it can turn into us fighting again."

"- I'm sorry I got pissed at you for saying you don't need me... and for calling me a prostitute. They're little comments and fights that don't mean anything. Come on by tomorrow I would've been all over you again."


"Don't yeah me. Marshall it's not a big deal, I love you and I'm not gonna let something you say out of anger hurt us."

"You're not mad at me?"

"I think... I was more mad that you were mad. Seeing you content opening presents made me feel better."

"Are we bad together?"

"Well. We don't cheat on each other, we don't purposely hurt the other one, we don't talk shit about each other. I think we're fine we just- we're pregnant and neither of us are too good with that."

"Yeah, look at my daughters.".

His daughters are great. Hailie's in college, Lainey's a graduate, and Whitney made the Principal's honor roll last semester. She got a copy of the Award for Marshall and we hung it on the fridge, but that's beside the point. I've described their personalities to death so what's the point of running through that list again. My true reason behind this is as bad as Marshall thinks he did he made three incredible girls and he basically did it by himself.

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