Chapter 18

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"I just can not psychically understand what went through your head to think saying that to the man that changed and fed you was a fun fucking idea."


"Seriously? Are you not satisfied with everything he's done for you three. He sent Hailie and you to college and I know that shit isn't cheap! He bought all three of you cars- fucking popular name brand big ass cars and you're running your mouth like this."

"Shut the hell up Miah!"

"No I'm sorry Marshall I really am, but I'm not gonna sit here and let three disrespectful girls talk shit to the face of their father that has done everything for them in his power! Be damn lucky this man is your father okay. His dad left him so all he knew was abandonment learning to be a dad was I guarantee one of the hardest things he has ever done. Be happy you even know him at all."

"Em get your girl to shut up people are looking."

"One last thing and I promise I will end this rant Nichole okay. I fucking swear! You three can hate me and wish I would disappear all you want, you can talk shit, and tell the world that I'm only here for his money and fame, but do not hurt this man. This is one of the best guy I've ever met. Yes he can be frustrating and yes he can make me want to rip my hair out, but at the end of the day his heart is so pure and filled with love that it makes Ellen look evil.".

I take a deep and strangled breath, my first one in a while, and look around at the people at my table giving me a death glare and the fellow patrons in the restaurant giving me a more serious and pissed off death glare.

I snapped someone could say in nicer terms. Those girls saying that shit to him just- Marshall has never done anything to upset me to the point where he couldn't find his way back into my head. So I don't understand why his own daughters can't forgive him for his past mistakes. I just can't fucking comprehend it.

"I love your dad I do- I know I shouldn't love him more than his own kids, but hey... always room to be a first at something right." I mumble pushing my seat out and finding my way to the bathroom halfway across the room.

Of course everyone stares and points at me in disgust with their stupid rich mumbles and their annoying rich eye rolls. If I ever become that much of a rich asshole then I really need someone to smack the shit out of me.

My hands push the bathroom door open and closed quickly behind me. My fingers force themselves to cross while my brain replays every word I said to his kids. My eyes continuously envision his pained and annoyed face as his eyes got bright and frail like glass as the tears filled them. His skin pale and showing his light colored freckles on his nose, but how can anyone see them with that dark ass beard blocking them.

Whatever. God I feel- horrible I don't know. Not about what I said I- oh shit. Now!

I feel the burning as it rises up my throat and forces my legs to run into the closest stall to me. I drop to my knees, pushing my hair away from my face, and vomiting into the water beneath me.

My eyes water with tears from Marshall's sad eyes and from the pain that puking psychically brings me. My hair tries falling around my face as I puke up something again- something and nothing since I haven't eaten shit since noon.

The bathroom door opens and a pair of heels come clicking in. I try to stay quiet, but come on, I'm vomiting.

I puke again as the clicking stops at my bent over form. A hand lays on my back as the other one holds my hair from my face for me.

I feel more tears, more tears of joy and compassion for this random act of kindness from someone. I want to say thank you, but the moment my lips open I feel more, but less puke spill it's way out.

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