Chapter 29

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July 31st. (Four months pregnant).

I feel like complete and utter shit. I feel like any minute I'm gonna faint or puke or cry or something and I've felt like this for seven hours now and unlike every other time it's not going away. First I got up at four in the morning to vomit for two hours and second I had to deal with Tommy flipping shit about dates on a writing he's doing, Emma passed out on the couch from studying all night, and Marshall trying to deal with whatever drama Hailie has going on right now.

God. He was pissed on the phone and because of that he barley spoke to me in the car. Maybe it's just today. It's one of the hottest days of the year, my stomach is growing to be the size of the sun, and I can't wear anything skimpy for the weather because it makes me look fat. I hate being pregnant.

I really don't think I can be sitting closer to my trash can at this point either. I've been dry gagging for the past two hours and spitting up some greenish water from the very little liquids I'm able to keep down. This isn't normal. Something has to be wrong. Marshall says it's just morning sickness and that it happens and it's different in all women, but how does he fucking know? He got one other girl pregnant and now all of a sudden he thinks he's on the fucking show The Doctors. Just hand him a Doctorate and call it a day already.

"Hey lil' mama, I grabbed the first act of your script from the printer for you. Oh I also went ahead and stopped to get Chinese food for lunch since yesterday you cried for twenty minutes after I finished off the sweet and sour chicken." Evan speaks up sweetly as he walks into the room with a stack of papers in one hand and a Chinese carry out bag in the other.

I take a sip from my bottle of water and nod to him, "thank you.".

He sits the papers down in front of me and then the bag of food with concern growing in his green eyes, "you don't sound very good, why'd you come in?".

"I can't miss work because of morning sickness."

"That bad?"

"You have no idea. It feels like it's getting worse by the fucking second."

"That doesn't sound... right Miah."

"Thanks Captain Obvious. Look it doesn't matter okay. I'm fine. What'd you get from the Chinese place?".

Evan smiles... Evan's smile is as fake as any human can be. He wants to do something about this puking thing, but it's fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine. It's my first pregnancy so it's a little rough on me and my body has never carried another human being before. That's all.

He goes to pull out the first box, but before a word can slip the boy's tongue Tommy pops in with a look of pure rage flashing in his eyes.

I try to push myself to stand up and deal with the situation like I always do, but my legs won't let me so I resort- of course, to just sitting here at my desk. "What's the matter with you?".


"Is she okay?"

"She's pissing me the hell off right now. I brought up the idea of changing the date of the wedding from November 20th to January 20th because she has a fucking exam that exact week!"

"You guys already sent the invites you can't just take them back and go oh wait the date was wrong."

"I thought it would make more sense if we got married then went straight to our honeymoon in England. Not wait almost two weeks for the studying, test, exam, and then the grade on it."

"She put it that way for a reason Tommy and you should never have brought it up to her. I know that you've lived with her long enough to know how she acts with this shit.".

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