Chapter 13

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"I swear to God!"

"No he didn't."

"Yes and I told him to get the hell up."

"Hailie that's evil!"

"I'm not ready- I can't be somebody's wife.".

I stop a few feet back from my rather loud daughters as a word I hate to think of hits my ear. It's drowning me and forcing me to choke on a bile like taste in my throat.

Wife. I'll fucking kill Evan if he dared to try and take my baby girl away from me. I will fucking hang him by his dick from the tallest tree I can find in Central Park so everyone in New York can see exactly what Shady can do. I will end that man.

I find my feet and stumble towards my daughters waiting by the host for me to catch up with them. Hailie and Lainey notice me at what seems like the same time so they both smile and turn to me with joy over taking their beautiful faces.

Beautiful. I make/have beautiful fucking kids. Hailie is in a... too tight white dress and red high heels that match the cherry red lipstick she wears. I don't always love what she wears, but I'm thankful that this is appropriate. Lainey is wearing a black loose kind of flowing dress paired with blue heels that match her blue haired highlights. Lainey dresses so her skin is covered at all times so I'm okay... they both look beautiful.

I should memorize their faces so when I tell them Miah's pregnant and they avoid me I can always remember these warm smiles.

"Hey Dad." Hailie starts hugging me tightly to her. I smile and tangle my hand in her naturally straight hair, "hey baby." I mumble back.

As I pull away to get my hug from Lainey my eyes hit her fingers to check for any rings, but they're empty and normal as always. Lainey hugs me next tighter than Hailie did she's been this way since her mom died last year.

"You're late Uncle."

"Fashionably late baby."

"Yeah whatever."

"Don't be so mean to me. I bought a whole new outfit and everything for you guys.".

Lainey and Hailie giggle slightly as I step forward and get my reservation checked with the host. In moments he leads us to our table in the restaurant and leaves us to look over the menu for what we want.

I tap my foot repeatedly trying to read the menu and really think about what I plan on eating, but my mind can't get away from Hailie's proposal. She knows I don't know so I can't ask or question it or anything so fuck me I guess.

She didn't say yes I know that much. If she would've said yes I doubt this night would be happening. She'd be with stupid ass Evan. She doesn't need him she has me. I'm the only guy she'll ever need in her life she told me that- I mean she told me when she was seven, but still. I'm all she needs. Her dad.

I come into reality as the waiter comes back with a stupid ass smile and eyes planted hard on Lainey.

"What would you like madam?" He asks letting his eyes fall slowly down Lainey's body.

I draw my eyebrows in and lean forward into the conversation just watching till I have to fucking kill him too. His body will be right next to Evan swinging by his fucking nipples.

"I would like the well roasted chicken with a side salad smothered in Italian dressing and croutons please."

"And a drink gorgeous?"

"White wine.".

I sit my menu down and stare at the waiter with intense and frustrated eyes, "hey bud, how old are you?".

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