Chapter 16

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My eyes move gently around the hospital lobby avoiding the focus of cameras on me and the sick people that I feel guilty over.

Family members of people with broken limbs, coughing up blood kids, and the ill and injured have taken their focus from the ones they love to me as they snap my photo each time I pass. It makes me feel guilty for stealing the attention from the ones that need it. I know once I enter into another area of the hospital all of this will end, but it should never have began in the first place.

It's not even like they're getting good photos of me. I'm just wearing leggings, a tight shirt that shows my baby bump, and I stole one of Marshall's hoodies so the hood is up and hiding my face and the bump pretty well. What is there to take a picture? A rumored pregnant Miah Welton and her mystery man in a hospital. Big deal.

Evan and I walk into the elevator quickly pushing the level five button and patiently waiting for the doors to block us from the rest of the world.

I lean my head against the wall and sigh heavily. "I didn't think they'd recognize me in all honesty.".

"You're Miah Welton the actress who wrote and directed her own movie making millions. People loved My Toy Soldier and are anxiously waiting for your next picture."

"Sure. I'm certain it has nothing to do with the fact Eminem knocked me up."

"You're pregnant?"

"Shut up you knew that.".

I smile and look over at him smirking to himself and keeping his eyes on the buttons. His beautiful and stunning green eyes that I just can't fucking get over. If I have to say one physical feature is my type I'm gonna have to say it's eyes. I love eyes. Marshall's are gorgeous. My ex boyfriend's were gorgeous. Eyes are my only type.

It doesn't necessarily matter what the color is as long as they're bright- I gotta stop thinking about this. Focus on... his niece.

The elevator stops abruptly pulling me roughly from my thoughts and forcing me out as three people come in and Evan shifts out past them.

I follow behind him looking around the crowded hallway and filled rooms of young kids hooked to machines and stuck in bed with sickly expressions. My eyes soften as a woman approaches hugging Evan tightly with tear stained cheeks and a horrified look marking her eyes. A look I can't place and a feeling I have never experienced.

Evan smiles at me a little pulling me towards the woman gently, "Darla this is-".

"Miah Welton I know, no offense, but seeing you make me kind of sick. Violet had made me watch that movie so many times... anyhow it's nice to meet you."

"Miah this is my younger sister Darla.".

Sister. What hospital unit is this?

Evan turns away from me ignoring me as if I don't exist to him. My thoughts race through the smoky crisis list I created in my head early thinking back to the way he mumbled family problems to me. The pain that is behind his words. It was never a problem Marshall and I faced or one that I thought of. It's one that no one should ever have to hear from a doctor.

I carefully and slowly walk around the corner and into the room that Darla came rushing out of to meet her brother. Inside is a young girl hooked to IVs and a bunch of different needles I don't recognize.

She is frail and small in here bed filled with stuffed animals, pillows, and blankets. She's a ghostly pale color and looks as if life has never once treated her right. She looks to be about seven due to how small she is compared to everything else near her. Everything about her breaks my heart, but fascinates me all the same especially, her bright and piercing green eyes.

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