Chapter 30

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August 20th (Five months pregnant).

"Today's the day baby wake up!"

"Stop jumping on me."

"Marshall wake up!"

"Miah get off of me now. For fuck's sake you're gonna break another one of my fucking ribs."

"You were the dumb ass that broke your ribs, not me. Now get up! Our sonogram is at 10:45 and I am hype to know what color we're painting the room!".

I press my palms a little harder into Marshall's chest not to hurt him, but just to get a little bit of his attention from whatever dream he's tying to keep himself in.

It is currently 8:30am, it's a beautiful 69f degrees, the sun is out, the birds are chirping, and my man is- my man is snoring again. "Boy you better wake the hell up!" I speak up smacking his bare chest roughly.

The very second my hand touches his skin he opens his eyes and gives me the dirtiest look he can muster up. It's cold and cruel, but the pain and frustration in them isn't directed to me so much as it is to someone else in his life.

He's been a bit pissy the passed couple days... Hailie told him that her and her boyfriend are going to spend Christmas together. In England. Away from him for almost a month. He was livid when he hung up the phone with her. He argued with me on every little thing I brought up whether it was what he wanted to eat or what I wanted to wear. Finally, he just sort of locked himself in my room and I didn't see him again till ten or eleven. At night.

He didn't tell me what he was doing in there, but I imagine he was getting out as much of his raging pain as he could. I hope that's what he did. It's bad for him to keep it in so long.

"Don't look at me like that." I mumble.

"Then get off of me and let me get up so we can go do this bullshit."

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize our baby was such an issue on your time. God I guess I'll ask Evan or Tommy if they want to go instead... I bet Evan will say yes quicker."

"That's because he's your boyfriend."

"... I'm helping him bring a smile to his sick niece. Do you really wanna start this fight with me again?".

Marshall rolls his eyes and pushes me gently to the empty side of the bed so he can get up, get a shower, and find whatever outfit he wants to wear for the day.

Okay, I admit. The anger in his eyes may be slightly directed to me and not just his darling daughter. Evan and I have been going over to visit his niece every Tuesday and Thursday for the past couple weeks. We read her stories, play board games with her, watch movies- do all the classic kid shit that they do.

For some reason though Marshall thinks that it means Evan and I are flirting with each other. Honestly, Evan is nothing like he was the first time I met him. He's calm and sweet and doesn't act like the massive man whore he makes himself to seem like the first couple minutes of speaking to him. That part is a huge relief by the way. Marshall's being a bit paranoid. Come on man. I wouldn't fuck Evan if someone was paying me to do it.

Marshall lays back down on the bed fully dressed and more tired looking than he ever has to me. It makes me feel guilty to think that I'm causing him pain.

I brush my hand through his soft hair and smile, "you don't want a shower?".

He shakes his head a bit closing his eyes and letting his mind fall into the motion of my hand in his brown mess. Marshall moves over slightly so his head is in my lap and his hands are resting on his chest truly enjoying everything I'm giving him. It doesn't feel like I'm doing a lot, but I know the small things make him happy. Happier than any $1,000 watch I've thought of buying him.

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