Why do I have such bad luck?

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Keith has fallen, and fallen Hard. The new neighbors are loud and he means loud, he met one of them a week ago, a small girl with short hair, light freckles and round glasses like Harry Potter. As they were talking he asked a fateful question, 'who do you live with?', and he is so glad he did. After he asked the question, Pidge pulled out her phone and showed him a selfie of the two boys she's also living with. At first Keith wasn't that interested in any of the others, they seemed pretty normal. But as Pidge went on and on about the others he became quite interested  with them. He learnt that hunk was a massive teddy bear and loved people, even though he can be terrifying when he wants to. But Lance, oh Lance, he couldn't get enough of him. Keith wasn't openly gay but it seemed Pidge had already found out. But instead of actually asking she kept taking the mick with it. Saying all these great things about lance and scoring and massive goofy grin off of Keith.

At the end of the day they decided to walk together, and just as Keith was about to step into his house he heard the fateful words off Pidge 'I know you like Lance! Bye'. Keith was astonished, at first he didn't know himself that he liked Lance. But as the day was nearing its end— he realised he really, really liked Lance. But he hasn't even met him yet....
Pidge had made a plan, she told Keith about what they do every Friday. He would finally get a glimpse of Lance! As he was looking through his window he told his brother, Shiro. As he was collecting Keith's items, Keith ran downstairs and calmly walked past Pidge's house. Low and behold was Lance waiting for the others, Pidge was right, he was built like a swimmer! He only realised Keith was staring when he saw the ocean blue eyes starring back at him, Keith started to speed up and started to walk to the place Pidge had showed him earlier that week.

As Shiro met up with Keith they sat down and hid between the large rocks on the edge of the cliffs. As they started to hear faint voices Keith started to get more nervous— he would finally meet Lance!

As the group finally got to the sand— Lance was the first one to see Keith and Shiro. Lance and Hunk started to stare and Keith was regretting this whole plan. As Pidge got to the others she slyly called the two boys over, after they got down they started to talk to Pidge. He was ready to be introduced by her but before she even had a chance Lance and Hunk had been swept away by what seemed to be boredom.

Keith sighing,"Why do I have such bad luck?" But he immediately cut him self off as he realised he said it aloud to Pidge and Shiro— who both knew Keith was falling for Lance. He covered his face and the others started to laugh obnoxiously....

Why do I have such bad luck?...

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