You Fight And Apologise

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The past week keith had become more confused than ever, but he was happy. Why you ask? Lance had finally started talking to him! Sure he was overreacting, but it was his second time that he actually was talking to him. He learnt more and more about Lance, he had learnt about his pets, his family, his friends back in Cuba etc. He had learnt so much about him that it was unbelievable, shiro had told him about it being a little suspicious but that didn't matter to Keith. But sooner or later that suspicion creeped up his neck and into his mind. It was a little strange hope Lance had suddenly become friendlier towards him, and after he talked to Pidge about his stupid conspiracy.

He kept brushing it off but it always was creeping back up his shoulder and into his mind. It was a little suspicious now that he thought about it, so he kept asking Pidge, again again and again. So many times that it was starting to get on Pidge's nerves. She has finally, given him something to think about, she shouted at him for being so nosey...
"Pidge you must know why, why don't you tell me?!" Keith whined for the 5 hour of being in the house, Lance and Hunk had gone out to get some more food and other items. They had been gone for a while and the only person who knew why was Pidge. Unable to keep her patience, she slammed her laptop shut,"Keith...." she paused for a moment, and the raven boy thought he had gotten somewhere,"It's none of your damn business!" She screeched in his eardrum, and before he could say anything in response, pidge had slapped him right across the face.

Keith had known Pidge could pack a punch, he didn't realise how powerful it was till his shock died down. He looked up at Pidge in fear and before the slapper had time to apologise, Keith had already thrown himself out the house. The house right next door. He walked towards the door with his tail between his legs......
He talked to Lance a week after the incident but neither Keith or Pidge had told anyone, anyone was able to know about the situation but they both kept shut. When Keith went to college each week he kept seeing Pidge around the buildings, they would make eye contact but quickly turn away and scamper towards their lessons.

Hunk had caught up on the awkwardness around the two, he could always feel some type of tension in the air when they were in the same room. He had soon talked to Lance about it, it was a type of teamwork they had going. Hunk would feel the tension, describe it to Lance, and the Cuban boy would always be able to tell what the tension was about. As they were talking about it Pidge had walked in the room, but the boys had not noticed her and kept talking— telling each other how they would try and find out what had happened.

Pidge had immediately gone to Keith, she went to apologise for two reasons. 1, she was feeling really guilty about hitting him, and 2, Pidge didn't want the two boys to find out about their incident. After Pidge had gotten to his house she was met with Shiro at the door, she had explained she needs to talk to Keith about 'a project' and Shiro had easily fallen for it.

She had gone up to Keith's room and knocked their secret code, pidge had heard a small grunt from the room which was Keith's way of saying 'come in'. Pidge had walked into his room with Keith sitting on his desk and browsing the internet on his laptop. As soon as they made eye contact Pidge had quickly started rambling an apology, with at one point didn't even sound like English word. Keith had stopped her with a hug and he pulled back, "I forgive you but you gotta do something for me in return". Pidge already knew what he was on about and she agreed promptly.

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