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"Ha, I told you that Lance would help you! Always trust the pigeon!" Pidge grinned, earning a quiet groan from Keith. They were in Prof.Coran's lesson,their last, even though Keith was studying astrology whilst Pidge was studying design and programming— they still had this class together, it was where they first met.

Keith had spent all night with Lance, finishing his project. When they did finish, it was too late for Lance to go outside (even though they were next door), so Keith told him to just sleep in his bed whilst he slept on the couch. But with Lance, he told Keith that they could share the bed together— keith had secretly wanted to do this from the start and mentally cheered.

Keith had found out that Lance was a living heater, and he was wanting that heat back. It was starting to become the cold autumn, even though it was his favourite season, he hated it when it started to get too cold. But now, he had Lance to warm him up. And to put the cherry on top, Lance had asked Keith on a date, and after Keith would stay over at Lance's to watch the movies of their choice. He couldn't wait, it's all he had been thinking about.

Before Keith knew it, the lesson was over and him and Pidge were working home— talking about the notes and another partner project they had been given. Coran was a professor that knew the struggle of group presentation, so he only does partner work or if the class wants a group presentation he would let that happen.

As they walked towards their homes, they saw Lance and Hunk walk inside the house— seeming to be hiding something.
"What the hell? Ugh, idiots, I'll go check what they're doing and text you!" Pidge shouted as she ran towards the house, leaving Keith to walk the small amount till he himself got home.

As Keith lay on his bed, scrolling through Instagram, seeing the memes decorated all over the explore page. He got a loud notification from Pidge and immediately clicked on it;

Pidge, 4:56pm:
These losers are hiding something from me, and they won't tell me what. especially lance, imma gonna go stab ur bf.

Keith, 4:56pm:
1. Don't stab lance 2. TELL THEM I WANT TO KNOW

Pidge, 4:59pm:
Ouch, rude. I also found out but I've got to keep it a secret. a special request from your bf.

Keith, 5:00pm:
Ugh fine, but I want to know by the end of this week. :(

Pidge, 5:00pm:
But that's just the weekend, it's Friday today!

Keith, 5:01pm:
I know that's the point, now I'm getting ready for Lance. Bye

As Keith Turned of his phone and headed to his wardrobe, he heard his phone go off, but he ignored it for the time being. He grabbed his leather pants and grey top, he also took his dark maroon beanie and cropped jacket. He brushed through his jet black hair and ran down stairs, grabbing his phone before and stuffing his phone in his pocket.

He shouted to Shiro, and quickly tied his shoes before standing up and opening his door to find Lance, holding a mix of different roses. Keith turned the same shade as the darkest roses, and took them sheepishly, giggling nervously from the act.
"Well you found out the surprise!" Lance laughed, and Keith realised what he meant, "Me and Hunk went to the flower shop together to get you some.."

He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, having some blush rise up on his cheeks himself. Keith giggled again at Lance's shyness, he brought him in the kitchen, and placed them in a vase.
"So where are you taking me for the date, Loverboy?" Keith teased, earning a small chuckle from Lance.
"You won't like it, but it's a surprise!" He exclaimed, earning a groan from the ladder.

He grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him outside, forgetting to lock the door and rushing down the road giggling. Leaving Shiro in a unlocked door, which he had specially told Keith to lock...

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