Sorry everyone. A Very Important Update.

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hey guys, i've decided to not continue this book, and im sorry if that upsets some of you.

this book has taught me so many things, on how to plan, how to not fall into a pit of despair whilst writing hehe. 

but anyway, i will not continue this book, I either have to restart the book completely or just carry on, which i don't want to do either. I have really enjoyed writing and listening to everyones comments and just having support. 

when i wrote this book I wasn't in a great mindset, school life and home life were both weighing me down and i wanted to escape. sorry sounding like an edgelord here.

but i wont be gone completely, I will carry on my other books (the ones that aren't so popular as of now) and i have another book in the works as of now. which isn't a Klance book, but will be a Kiribaku book (my hero academia fandom) for those who are wondering. 

i started to loose interest in Voltron ages ago (hence the year disappearance), and have moved onto other fandoms. but those still interested in Voltron (or those who are joining) I will still have voltron related book (basically klance though) and for the people who want new content will receive new content. starting with Bnha.

i hope you all can forgive me,

once Glori, now Nev xx

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