Stormy Day

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Hey it's gonna be a short character, tbh idk ill see how much i write and post that lmao. I have posted a new klance book and I'm going to try to post another klance book called I'm not like the others (which is up now), just check my profie i have posted it. But i still have that other book (which only has 1 long chapter in it) which ill try to update :) sorry reallllyyyyyyy short chapter here sorry!
You could imagine how riled up Lance was after the incident, Keith had decided to sit him down and picked a load of Disney films for him and Lance to watch. After a couple of minutes Keith started to notice the heavy rain beating against the windows, he looked over at Lance and saw he was still either angry or terrified.

Keith decided to ask Lance, just to be safe,"Hey Lance? Are you making it rain outside? You seem to be effecting the water again..." Keith asked uncertainly, looking up at him.
"Hm? Oh yeah sorry Keith, I can't help it." Lance sighed, slowly putting his head on Keith's shoulder.
As Keith flinched Lance brought his head back immediately, seeming to mutter an apology under his breath.
"No, Lance! It was okay, I was just surprised— you can put your head back on my shoulder." Keith exclaimed anxiously, then hearing a hum from Lance.

Keith was going to ask what he meant by it, but before he could, arms wrapped around his waist and he was lifted into Lance's lap. He blushed madly when Lance brought his head in the croook of his neck, and Lance soothingly spoke, "Do you want to watch anything?". He looked at Keith smiling,
"Yeah, let's watch a Netflix show— any ideas?" Keith whispered back to him. Lance thought for a moment before grabbing the remote and turning over to The Office, as he still needed to finish it for the seventh time.

Keith chuckled at the choice but he would be lying if he said he didn't want to watch it with Lance. As they two watched, Lance brought himself closer and closer to Keith— which the smaller boy didn't even think was possible on how close he was already. As they got to the third season Keith was starting to drift off, dipping his head but pulling himself back into reality. But his battle with his eyelids was soon lost and he rested his head on Lance and drifted into unconsciousness.

Again reaLLY SHORT AND IM SORRY!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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