He's almost done it

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So my exam will be tomorrow, but I will carry this story on. I've got a whole plot and everything. a m a z i n g right? Gonna be a short chapter sorry.


Keith had been sulking ever since the incident with Lance. He over heard what he said to Hunk, he followed Lance and Hunk to the beach secretly. The seven words repeated in his head all day long, all week long, all month long. It had been 3 months and the 4 had hung out a few times— with Lance ignoring Keith multiple times.

The real question that stuck in his mind was about Lance and the ocean. Whenever he started shouting the water would become more dangerous, but when he calmed down the water would go back to its original state. It was strange, but it was stupid to think like that. Well that's what he wanted to think. The more he thought about it the more he became invested, making conspiracy's and staying up till 3am. He needed answers!

So he headed to the house at nearly 2am, he knows that pidge is still awake— it's fact. As he was pounding the door he started to hear loud footsteps, huh, pidge's footsteps are normally ligh- oh no. Before he could run, the door was swung open and low and behold was Lance. As the tanned skinned boy scoffed as the raven boy finally spoke,"Is Pidge in there?"
Lance paused,"Yeah, she's in her room..." He spoke, his voice soft,
"Thanks" said Keith, as he pushed Lance out to way, took off his shoes and walked up stairs.

As he got to Pidge's room, her door covered in alien stickers and some "colourful" language. As he knocked twice and then a small third knock as a 'secret code'. Pigde opened her door and gleamed at Keith and pulled him in,"So, what conspiracy now?"

Keith went silent for a bit,"Um.... it's about L-Lance".... silence.
Pidge's eyes widened,"...what... what was the theory?"
Keith was beginning to be suspicious, maybe there was something,"Well it's not really a big one, I made whilst half asleep— jeez I'm still half asleep no-"
"Just get to the point!" Shouted Pidge,
"Alright, alright... I have been theorising that lance and the ocean have some kind of.... connection, in a way"
"Pidge what do you mean Keith knows?! This is serious!" Lance exclaimed, he was panicking so much. Hunk could barely imagine what the ocean was like now.
"Lance I'm serious, I don't know how, after I didn't say anything I just said 'it's stupid, I need sleep anyway' and left!" Pidge was also starting to panick now. She had no clue how it happened. She knew Keith was a curious person and always wanted to know what was happening every moment of every second... but this? This was way too observant. Way too much.

Before Lance could reply Hunk interrupted the two panicking bunch,
"Why don't you come closer and see if you can trust him with your secret?" He questioned towards Lance.
"That..... isn't a bad idea.." Lance started to become calm and started to see that idea as the best option.

Especially how close he is to the truth of Lance...

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