Pining Keith And Spanish Compliments

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After Keith and Pidge had made up, hunk decided to bring Keith round for a sleepover. Keith had accepted reluctantly but he came the same night with spare clothes and a pillow. Pidge had just remembered how to pay keith back so she asked if everyone wanted to play truth or dare. Lance had immediately agreed and keith and Hunk had said yes afterwards. They sat in a circle in Pidge's bedroom, the three boys waiting for hell for when Pidge chose one of them.

The game started relatively normal, questions like "how many crushes did you have in school?" Or dares like "Go drink orange and brush your teeth!". But it now come back to Pidge's turn to choose.
"Hmmmmm," Pidge said whilst scanning at each boy and locking her eyes with Lance "Lance! I dare. You to compliment each of us in your 'sexy Spanish voice'" pidge smirked at Lance as he groaned.
"I sing in Spanish one time, one time! Alright I'll start with Hunk," Lance started he put his finger on his chin to think of something to say,"¡Aunque tu cocina sea tan buena, es tan buena como la cocina de mi madre y mataría por comer tus galletas!"

As Lance spoke he didn't realise pidge was using Google Translate to show Keith what he was saying. Pidge and Hunk didn't need to use translate because of how Pidge was super smart and knew German and Spanish as well of her original language. And Hunk, it had literally just stayed with him from how much Spanish he heard when he visited Lance's house every Friday. He had just soaked it up like a sponge, it felt like it was almost his original language.

It was now Pidge's turn to get a compliment off Lance and as before he put his finger on his chin to think of something to say,"Pidge eres muy inteligente y si estuviéramos enfrentados en una prueba de coeficiente intelectual definitivamente ganarías ...." Lance told in a low voice, sending shivers up Keith's back. It started to make him wonder he is the only one who doesn't who doesn't know Spanish— lance could say anything and Keith would be sitting there blushing and smiling like an idiot!

After a while of him panicking he was pulled out of his thoughts by Pidge waving her hand in front of his face,"Keith! You're gonna miss your compliment off Lance!" Sneered Pidge.
"Okay okay" calmed Keith, but he was far from calm.
"Keith, tus ojos son tan bonitos, ¡me gustaría tener el color de tus ojos! Podría perder en ellos durante horas chico bonito ...", Lance charmed and smiled at Keith.

Pidge and Hunk smirked from where they sat and lance turned bright red,"I'm done playing this game! ¡Es una carga de mierda!" Lance exclaimed and walked out the room. After a while Lance had walked back in whilst pouting, he sat down but closer to Keith and Pidge and Hunk smirked at each other. Keith was startled from how close Lance had dared to go from how Keith had already translated it and understood every word. He had translated it and understood,"Keith your eyes are so pretty, i wish that i had your eye colour! I could get lose in them for hours pretty boy..."— he was on cloud 9. His eyes were down at the ground and was blushing madly.

The night went quickly and when the time came to sleep and he shared a room with Pidge, but he so so wished he was sharing a room with Lance. He slowly fell asleep with him imagining cuddling with the tan-skinned boy.

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