Night Calls

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This chapter might be a bit shorter than the others, imma do some this night and it'll be posted the next day, Sunday! The day before i go back to hell. Btw this will shorter its about 800 word or so. I have like lots of chapters, like up to like 20,,,, i think.
The morning after the day of hanging around with Keith he had walked downstairs to the smell nothing, he just remembered Hunk was leaving early— for a whole month. That means pizza and and McDonald's all month! But Pidge leaves half way through the month. He was fine with it all, he made he way downstairs to see Pidge eating toast texting on a group chat called, 'we don't know each other, but we're group in college'. It made Lance chuckle, he could only think Pidge had made the name and kept anyone from changing it.

As he walked to the cupboard to grab some cereal Pidge had finally noticed him — and his massive eye bags underneath his eyes. Pidge had snorted which caused the tan boy to look up at Pidge with a yawn.
"Jeez, what happened to you?" Pidge joked
"I spent the whole night talking to Keith, we had a lot to talk about" Lance yawned again, now placing down the bowl of cereal and starting eat it.

They talked for a little while before Pidge had to go to college to her classes, they talked about yesterday to the group chat Pidge was in. The gremlin soon left before getting a shower and getting dressed, afterwards Lance cleaned up after himself and went to the couch. He decided he would take a small nap to re charge, as he only got five minutes sleep before the alarm went of when he tried to sleep. He had put on some joggers on his legs and flopped onto the couch.


"Lance?" Keith asked quietly, his voice quivering a bit over the phone, "can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure buddy go ahead." Lance's voice was more on the concerned side now
"What i-is your s-sexuality?" He said trembling
"Well I'm bisexual, I was in denial all throughout school so it was a confusing time for me, why do you ask?" Lance said with a soothing voice.
"W-well I'm g-gay, I should tell you t-this as well, I w-was bullied for b-being gay and I was c-called a fag and other t-things I don't wanna s-say..." Lance could tell Keith's bottom lip was shaking in fear.
"Keith, are you home alone?" Lance asked quietly, he got a small whimper as a response.

Lance hung up the phone and put on some shorts but left a top, he walked out the house quietly and walked over to next door. He knocked on gently and Keith answered the door almost straight away, opening the door to see his massive bed head and red puffy eyes. Before Keith could say anything Lance had trapped him in a hug, "It's okay Keith, Te tengo y no voy a dejar ir..." Lance held on tighter and all Keith could do was hide his face on the taller boys chest. The two stood at the door way for a total of five minutes before Lance let go but kept onto his arms.


Lance woke up in a cold sweat, leaning forward and gasping. That all happened last night, he didn't know why he had a dream about it— but he did. It was like a warning for Lance. He stood up and walked to the kitchen to get a large glass of water, he chugged three quarters of the glass. He went back to the couch and sat down. He turned on the TV to watch some Netflix and started to rewatch The Office, for the seventh time.

As Lance finished up the last episode of the first season Pidge had walked in the house to see Lance watching The Office— without her. She screams as she rips off her bag, runs upstairs to get changed and jumps down the stairs before sprinting to the couch next to Lance. He looked over at her in shock, he stood up and went to get snacks and popcorn. He sat back down and gave the bowl to Pidge, who gladly accepted it.

As they were watching there sat Keith on his bed, he just got back from college with Pidge and they had been talking about Keith's crush, Lance. Pidge had told him that Lance had been showing more care to Keith, which isn't normal for Lance to do that for people he has only known for a few months. As Keith started to think about it, she was right they had only known each other for a few months and Lance seemed to care as much as he cared for Hunk. It really got him to smile, and that's what he was doing now, smiling.

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