The Morning After

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So I've finished all my exam's and I've got the weekend to do whatever ayyyy, so I'm doing one more chapter this weekend and (maybe two) next week. Btw i literally did this whole chapter in one day, my fingers are on  f i r e.
The morning had rose upon the house of the young adults, Hunk and Lance had woken up at the crack of dawn— as Pidge said they were the ones "with their lives together". Hunk had already started to make breakfast and it was Lance's unlucky turn to wake up Pidge and now Keith. It was a fact known by the whole house that Lance only sleeps in his boxers and on a really cold night shorts and a fin tank top. But as it was summer Lance was only in he boxers walking towards the door. When he knocked on the door quietly he heard a small snore from Pidge but Keith was silent. He walked in and walked to Pidge's bed first.

He knew how to wake up Pidge without getting killed, him and Hunk had learned over the years of having multiple sleepover back in high school. He had slowly started to shake Pidge and she started to slowly wake up. After a little of conversation Pidge had left the room to the bathroom. It was now time to wake up Keith, he looked over to the other side of the room.

The smaller boy had an extreme bed head and had curled his leg around the blanket he was given for the night. Lance walked over to him blushing slightly and whispered to Keith as a 1st attempt, "Keef, Keefy..... wake up!" His whispered shouted to the raven boy's ear. Keith mumbled something in his sleep and turned over to be now facing Lance, making the tanned boy blush even more. For a 2nd attempt he shook him slightly whilst still whispering to him but louder,  "Keith! Wake UP!" He screamed and Keith bolted upright screaming, "Shiro! It's not what you thi-!" But he cut himself off from where he realised where he was, when he saw Lance he blushed madly.

He looked Lance up and down, seeing the abs on his stomach and the medium sized muscles on his arms and legs his blushed calmed down and he could finally say something.
"Lance you ass!" He proclaimed
"Woah woah, what did I do?" He questioned, "I was just trying to wake you up!"

Keith groaned, it wasn't Lance's fault that he was having a wet dream about Lance and him, now that he thought about it, it was his own fault for falling for this dumb idiot— with an amazing personality and rock hard abs and a-. He was pulled out of his fantasying by Lance lifted him up bridal style, "If you're not answering my questions to come down I'll have to carry you down the stairs." He playfully said with a light blush. One of Keith's hands was resenting against Lance's abs whilst the boy himself had a firm grip on his ass.
'Oh boy...' Keith thought, he was really blushing now.

Lance had started to walk to the stairs and because Keith couldn't take the silence anymore he asked the question he was constantly thinking when he first saw Lance half-naked.
"How are you so muscly?" He questioned, looking Lance up and down.
Lance had made it to the bottom of the stairs and finally dropped Keith back on his own feet, "When we were all in school, me and Hunk did a lot of sports together— now that we have graduated Hunk has stopped playing sports but still got some muscle on him, but I've found a gym and started to go there. Not to mention my frequent visits to the beach!" He grinned from each side of his face making Keith giggle a little.

The two had walked into the Kitchen with Hunk just placing down the food, bacon and eggs! Lance giddily sat down and started to munch on the bacon, but Keith sat down on the chair closeted to Lance. Pidge had just walked in the room and she picked upon her glasses on the table that she had left on the night before. Hunk had also sat down and started to slowly eat the food he had made for himself and the others on the table. Pidge and Keith had started to eat their meal, Pidge had her normal "I'm tired don't talk to me" look— whilst Keith had hummed from the wonderful taste of breakfast. Lance has chuckled at the reaction of the small boy and carried on digging into his food. Lance was obviously the first one the finish, along with Keith, Hunk, and finally Pidge.

Lance had collected all the plates and put them in the sink and started to fill it up with hot water, then the others stood up but Keith stayed on the table looked at Lance confused.
"Why are you cleaning up the mess?" He asked, him tilting his head once more again.
Lance chuckled at the question and smiled, "Hunk does the cooking, I wash cuz Pidge had said multiple times, 'that stuff nasty!' And Hunk just always wants to rest after cooking— so i took up the job. Besides I did it a lot at home if my mama was ever sick or just too tired, I can't blame her, me and my siblings and cousins were a mess when having dinner!" Lance laughed at the thought, he remembered the multiple "food fights" him and his siblings had as children.

Keith never understood large families and siblings and all that junk, only because of him being an only child when he was a kid and only being raised by his father as his mother left for an unknown reason. He had come numb to the thought of his mother leaving, he could easily explain without getting tears eyed. His home life was a lot like his school life, lonely. He only had one or two friends, but normally them turning out to be toxic or just hate him in general. Once his father left he was placed into a new family, and there was Shiro. He was introduced as his new half brother and they had clicked immediately. They had got along so well and Shiro had given him guidance through school. Shiro would help with school work, projects, or just some other things that happened to him in school that day.

After graduation he had came out gay to his parents and Shiro, Shiro had accepted easily but his parents were another story. They had kicked him out the house, and even packed his own suitcase for him. Luckily because of Shiro he had took him to the house he had told Keith he was moving to on a small island and let Keith come with him. He was so grateful for Shiro, he was almost like a father to Keith. When they had arrived he applied for a college for a new start and had Pidge. Oh boy, that was a choice that he was so happy about now. He had met three new people in the span of 6 months— not to mention meeting the most beautiful boy he had met.

After Lance had finished cleaning up the dishes, the two had headed to the living room where the others were. Pidge was already asleep again and Hunk was just watching some TV whilst also drifting off. Lance had raised on his eyebrow and looked at Keith, the smaller buy looked back at Lance.
"Wanna go to the beach?" He questioned to Keith grinning and small boy nodded.
"Sure, wait I don't have any swim stuff" he panicked.

Lance chuckled, "It's fine, your house is just next door!" He exclaimed and Keith laughed in response, "I'll just get ready first, you just get swim trunks and a towel, I've got everything else covered!"
Keith nodded and headed to his house and only grabbed swim trunks and his own towel, he quickly got changed and headed back to the house. He was met with Lance in a tight swimsuit and holding a blue surf board and a small rucksack with sunscreen and his own towels. Oh boy, Keith will not survive this morning...

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