I Don't Trust Myself

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So we all know about the Adam business, and I'm going to try and fit him in there somewhere. Just trying to figure out how to, if you have any suggestions be free the comment them. I'm lost

It had been months since the accident and everything had been a blur to Keith, Pidge had told him how Lance was doing after him asking her multiple times. Even though Keith had confessed to Lance and he had accepted those feelings, it felt that Lance was being distant as ever. The time that Keith had been comforted by Lance even though he was struggling as well, really showed he cared. He remembered those words Lance had told him on the beach.

I love you too Keith....

But those words were starting to plague Keith's mind, and not in a good way. Keith had started to think badly about those words, with Lance being distant from Keith... did he really mean it? He had started to build up work with college to think about what Lance really meant. He had been worrying so much that one of his professors asked if he was okay, and that made Keith realise he was really worried.

After a while of Keith trying to calm himself down in his last, the class had been dismissed and Keith was the very first one to leave. As he quickly walked out of the building, looking for anything that could calm him down. A hand had reached his shoulder, making him jump almost ten feet in the air. He looked back only to find Pidge, look dead than ever. She asked if she could walk with him, and Keith hesitantly nodded. As they walked, they took another route Pidge had found that gets them home quicker.

As they came out of a small pathway, Keith had realised that they were already on their road, in ten minutes when it would normally take Keith thirty. No wonder he hadn't seen Pidge for a while, she was taking a short cut! As the two headed down the road they were coming closer to Pidge's house. If Keith's bad luck couldn't get any worse, Hunk and Lance were just heading out of the house.

Keith's breathing started to get lighter and quicker, he started to sweat more on the sight of Lance... he was having a panic attack. Out of all the places Keith could have an attack, it had to be here. As his breathing got worse, Pidge had noticed and called Hunk and Lance over, Keith still not realising. As soon as Lance saw what was happening, his heart dropped, he bolted towards Keith and stopped next to Pidge as the girl had extended her arm to stop him.

As Keith still hadn't realised what was happening, he was taken into their house and lay down on the couch with Lance next to him. As soon as Hunk and Pidge had left to the kitchen to get some things for Keith, Lance had started to rub Keith's head and started to say soothing things— and it was working! As Pidge and Hunk rushed back in, with hand fulls of things, they saw Lance calming Keith down with a Spanish song. They stopped in their tracks to watch how well it was working and Keith was falling asleep, they had taken the stuff back to the kitchen and by time they got back, Keith had fallen into a deep slumber on top on Lance's lap.

After two hours of sleeping Keith had finally woke up, seeing he was on top of Lance who was reading a book he couldn't tell what it was. After awhile of looking around the room he saw Hunk asleep on the couch close to them— but Pidge nowhere to be seen. Lance looked up from his book and saw that Keith was awake, with an extremely messy mullet. So Lance put his book down, before marking his page, and grabbing a hair tie and putting his hair in a slightly messy bun, making it show Keith's full forehead.

As Keith looks up at Lance he thinks to himself, this is your time to ask him! Just do it stupid!, and he loudly blurts out, "Why have you been so distant with me?" But immediately regrets shouting it out. Lance jumps slightly at the sudden question and starts to become nervous, why was he so distant? Simple.
"I don't trust myself around you, not after that incident... I could've killed you!" Lance says quietly, mostly for Hunk's sake. Keith became quite surprised by the words that had left Lance's mouth, he sat up and turned his full body to Lance. He jumped at Lance, giving him a hug, "Well too bad, because I love you, and I wouldn't mind if you were last thing I see in this world..." Keith reassured Lance, making Lance have a warm feeling inside.

"Okay, believe you..." Lance smiled towards Keith, kissing him on the forehead earning a giggle from the raven boy. As they stared into each other's eye, they started to come closer and started too cuddle on the sofa. As they cuddled Lance looked out the window to see the sun setting, he looked down at Keith ready to tell him — but when he looked down he saw the smaller boy once again asleep in his arms. Lance smiled at this, he picked up Keith bag and the boy himself. He went into the kitchen to tell Pidge that he was taking Keith home, and she nodded.

As Lance got out the house and to Keith's home, he struggled to knock but did it anyway. Shiro opened the door to see Lance holding a sleeping Keith, he said a silent hello to him and let him inside. As Lance walked upstairs he realised that he didn't know which room was Keith's. He checked each room, and he decided the one with photos of him, Lance, Pidge and Hunk and a gay flag on the wall was Keith's room.

As he placed Keith down, he took off his tight jeans and his shirt, leaving him in his boxers. As Keith shivered Lance blushed slightly, taking off his signature jacket and wrapping it around the sleeping boy. As Lance smiled he placed down Keith's bag next to his bed, kissed his forehead and left the room. As he walked down he said goodbye to Shiro and left back to his house. Leaving a sleeping boy, dreaming about the sun-kissed boy...

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