All The Info

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Okay so I've seen this post about Lance's last name not being McLain, wHaT
I don't know if it is true or not so I think I might just keep it,,,, for now
"How do I get him back?"
"Do you want hard or easy way?"
"Either, I just want him back..."
"Okay, then we could bargain with him, or an easy way— drug him."
"That's a good idea~"

All of this was heard from their room, they were drunken and didn't realise how loud they were. The neighbors, the people below and up above in the apartment building were uneasily listening to this. But one was already collecting information for the police, and who you many ask? Veronica McClain.

She had started to audio record all of their conversation, ready for when she came back to work at the police force tomorrow. They sounded like crazed stalkers at the sound of it, seemingly forcing a man to be a couple with them again.

"What was his name again?"
"Oh darling I'm surprised you don't remember, his name was Lance, he has the sweetest blue eyes..."

Veronica stiffened at the sound of her brother's name, it can't be him they are talking about, can it?  She was filled with anger but kept recording the conversation between the two.

"Nyma, you better be paying what you promised after I've helped you..."
"Of course, I'll pay you— but only when we have him with me in his arms~"
"Fine, and make sure I stay of the McLain's radar... I've got other deals I gotta do."

It was her brother! Memories flooded in, of when Lance was in high school and him coming round to her apartment, asking if he could spend the night because his girly was acting too clingy. Now that she connected the dots she realised... she had become his stalker, and soon to be kidnapper.

As their conversation silenced, Veronica left the recorder playing just in case they carry on. She leaves her apartment, locking the door and running to her car to drive to Lance's home.

As she arrives, she knocked on the door and hears a loud gasp and she hears Lance talk to someone— telling them to go upstairs. She is confused by what her brother meant, but was then face to face with her brother holding a base ball bat. She lifted her hands up to her face to block herself from the hit, but it luckily never came.

Lance put down the bat, sighing that it wasn't Nyma or Rolo. He brought his sister inside, telling Keith that it was just his older sister. The shorter boy came downstairs, seeing his sister and politely told his name .She was polite to him back, indrotucing her name was Veronica.

Veronica looked over at Lance and pulled him into the kitchen, needing to tell him something important. They head into the kitchen, and Keith sits down on the couch and carries on watching Netflix without Lance.

As they talk, Keith hears Lance's frightened voice and Veronica's conceded one. He decides he wants to know, so he stands up and walks into the kitchen. He stands at the doorway, leaning on one foot and folds his arms.
"What's going on?" He speaks up, gaining the attention of Lance and Veronica. She looks at Lance, not really wanting to explain and he sighs agreeing.
"Nyma and Rolo where thinking of kidnapping me or even... drugging I could get back with her...." He shallowly whined.

Keith's eyes shot open, bringing his hand near his mouth. He started to walk over to Lance,
"But why? Doesn't she know that you're over her?" He sobbed quietly.
"No... an old friend did a prank on her, saying I was still into her— fuelling her obsession more..." He answered gravely, looking down at the ground, opening his arms for Keith. The smaller boy gladly rushed into Lance's arms, holding him tightly.

He had just started in a relationship with Lance, he can't loose him now....

As Veronica explained the situation, Lance kept wiping tears off of Keith's face. She had explained she had recorded all they had said, and she was going to tell her co-workers about it. They didn't need anything else to prove, they also had witnesses of her stalking. They were all set, all they had to do was wait...

Lance woke up on the couch with Keith in his arms, a small blanket covering them both and trapping the body heat between them. He looked up at the ceiling and silently groaned, he remembered all of last night. About Nyma and Rolo, and Keith's mini-melt down.

He shifted to the side, falling off the couch but leaving Keith there peacefully. He leaned upwards, scratching his bed head. The brunette stood up, walking to the bathroom to clean himself up. He quickly brushed his teeth, and went to his bedroom. He swapped his clothes with a baggy tank top and shorts, taking his clothes to the laundry pile the whole house was building up.

He went back downstairs and went into the kitchen, immediately seeing a stick note on the fridge. He took it off and read it:
'Hey, me and Hunk has to climb through the back window because you locked the door, anyway your sister texted me saying you would need to explain something when we are all awake. I won't forget so you better tell me

Pidge and Hunk'

He could only guess that Pidge had written the note, her sass staining the paper through the ink. He rolled his eyes and threw it into the bin on the other side of the room, luckily shot. He got a breakfast bar and silently chewed on it, till he heard both Hunk and Pidge coming down the stairs talking.

As they walked into the room they saw Lance, and Pidge immediately sat down. Her eyes were filled with curiosity and slightly Hunk's eyes too. He got Hunk to sit down and explained them the whole story, they were equally as terrified about the news. He promised everything is being sorted out, making them sigh of relief.

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