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This is just a small chapter with some fluff, it doesn't really affected the story and it'll just carry on from the the chapter called 'Lance, I'm sorry!' So yeah... This wont affect the plot in any way, just some nice fluff. :)

The two pull away with Keith blushing a crimson red and Lance grinning.
"You r-really like me?" Keith asked, a stuttering mess still blushing. Lance nods quickly, putting his hand on Keith's cheek,
"Of course, why would I kiss your beautiful face if I didn't?" Lance said flirtatiously, making Keith blush more which seemed impossible and digging his head into Lance, "But.... can you show me?"

Keith looks up at Lance confused, "Show... you?" Keith tilts his head at Lance.
"Show me how much you love me." Lance grins at Keith, teasing him.
Keith went on his toes and kissed Lance on the lips, not making any eye contact with him.
"Oh c'mon, only that much?" Lance teased more, smiling. Keith was extremely embarrassed but he knew this wasn't meant to be harmful, so he lifted up on his toes again and kissed. But this time this kiss was more intimate, not in a lust type of way but a romantic kiss— but Keith loved every bit of it.

As they pulled away for air Lance smiled at Keith and lifted him up bridal style, earning a gasp for Keith. Lance started to walk back home and Keith, once again, dug his head into Lance's neck before wrapping his arms around him.

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