Science Whizz

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Hey quick note here, I have a few books that need to published and I was wondering if you want to chose which story will come out first lmao
There issssss,
High school au
Mermaid au
Gem au
Galran and Altean au
And my own au that hasn't started yet!
Tell me what you want, btw at the same time I will be updating this book aswell!

As Pidge stepped into college, hearing groans of tired students and feeling the teasion of nervousness from finishing late essays at 3:00am. She rolled her eyes, for once she had a good sleep. She had finished the essays she had been given for now and finally able to go to her professor about the 'pizza incident'. As she walked through the door, she saw her professor working on a PowerPoint for one of her classes; as Pidge walked down the stairs she gained the attention from the person at the desk.

She has white hair, either in a bun or just down— but today she had it in a ponytail, which was the first time Pidge saw her like that. She had identical sapphire blue tattoos of the top of her cheek bones, and wore a headband (that she wore on her forehead) with a ocean turquoise stone in the middle. She had a very cheery personality, but she was also the scariest when angered.

She always told people to call her Allura, refusing to let people call her by her second name. She was close friends to another professor, who was known as Coran, and he would help her throughout the day when he didn't have a class.

"Oh hello Miss.Gunderson! What have you come to me for?" She light heartedly spoke, looking towards the girl walking down the stairs.
"I was just wondering if you could help me with this sample food I have. I was eating pizza with friends at home for dinner, and this pizza was different from the last time so we were all wondering if it had been coated with anything from the slimy texture."
Pidge replied, opening her backpack (which had the food inside) and pulling out a clear box with the food inside. As she pulled it out, Allura held out her hands, signalling to pass the box over.

As Pidge handed the box over, the professor stood up and started to walk up the stairs— with a smaller body following behide. As the white haired woman reached the science lab, she looked back at the smaller girl following her,
"You might need to leave your bag here, if there's anything else we need to test bring it inside!" She smiled, looking towards the jade bag, with many things ironed onto it— some being the lesiban flag and a dog.

Pidge complied and let the bag fall from the arm it was resting on and placing it onto a chair near by, she looked back at Allura and they both walked inside.

"So Lance... what you're telling me is that you have someone to help you with your powers?" Hunk asked again, for the tenth time.
"Yes Hunk you are correct! But I can't show you who or what is helping me." Lance partially lied, he felt horrible lying to his oldest friend— but it just felt like he had to.

He had met up with his great grandma a few times now, they normally just spoke with eachother told eachother about their lives etc. He had learnt things that he didn't think he could do, and every time before his Great-Ma would leave she would look back at him and say 'with great power, comes great responsibility...', and would be gone before he could even blink.

He had now told Hunk about it, well— half of it. Even though he did want to tell his best friend, but his Great Ma has told him to herself a secret. He felt terrible, but a promise is a promise....

Again! I'm sorry I have updated, school is horrible... but yeah, I'm sorryyyyy. But please comment about which book I should start on aswell! Love you guys!!

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