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As Veronica pulled up to her work place, the police station. She had the audio tape in the back of the car, she kept it under a coat all night in her car. She was skeptic of what Nyma and Rolo were cable of, especially from their conversation last night. She got out of the car, looking into the back of the car and collecting the recording from under her coat. She took the audio and her police badge, taking it with her as she walked through to the desk.

Seeing her co-worker Abbie, on her shift, she saw Veronica and smiled then noticed the recoding in her hand, "What's that?" She asked curiously, tilting her head slightly.
"Some evidence for a new case, which includes my younger brother, I'm going to talk about it with Shiro..." She spoke, trying to leave as much information as possible, looking to the head office. Abbie hummed and Veronica started to walk towards the office.

Abbie glared at Veronica, she hated her, she always did. She had been in the police force for two years more than Veronica, she was about to be promoted to her position. But was demoted two weeks before she arrived, because of a stupid incident at a business party. She was demoted to the office desk and wasn't aloud to work on anymore cases till she could prove herself that she was good enough to work again. When Veronica showed up, she immediately took Abbie's place— from having an excellent grade from college and school. Abbie hated her from the beginning, but... this case was opening new opportunities. If she helped do this case or even solve it, she would get her job back.

As Veronica knocked on the office door, she heard a grunt and then a loud 'Come in!', she pushed open the door to she the Chief of this small town. He was a tall man, he had the muscly dad type of build with his body shape, and was a type of father to everyone in the building, making work there a lot more comfortable— in a way. He was a good team player and let everyone voice their ideas.
"Ah, Veronica, good to see you— what do you need today?" He asked, gleaming friendly towards her.

She smiled back politely, and sat down at the desk and then placing the recording down between them.
"A new case, its about my brother, he's had a stalker since high school relationship. Now I think the stalker has payed to kidnap him, I got a recording of their conversation, they were intoxicated but I believe everything they said were true. A event happened a few hours ago before this conversation, having two witnesses of the event. Lance McLain and his friend or boyfriend Keith Kogane." She informed, looking deeply into Shiro's eyes.

Shiro gaped at his co-worker, the story was quite rare in a small town like this— but his brother was involved? He couldn't believe it, after only 8 months of living here he was already in some deep stuff. He stood up and locked the door, also turning off the cameras and microphone that was added into each room from safety and privacy when turned off. Only Shiro and Abbie could turn of the cameras because of their position, but if one person turned it off, the other couldn't.

He sat back down, "Alright lets hear this recording." He spoke, looking down at the object placed between them. She nodded and pressed play;
There was some shuffling around then a clank of the recorder being placed down on a surface, there was silence and then muffles and then it was a clear conversation.

How do I get him back?
Do you want hard or easy way?
Either, I just want him back...
Okay, then we could bargain with him, or an easy way— drug him.
That's a good idea~

What was his name again?
Oh darling I'm surprised you don't remember, his name was Lance, he has the sweetest blue eyes...

Nyma, you better be paying what you promised after I've helped you...
Of course, I'll pay you— but only when we have him with me in his arms~
Fine, and make sure I stay of the McLain's radar... I've got other deals I gotta do.

Oh of course babes, we all gotta do what we gotta do!
You are so creepy sometimes, and that's saying something.
Oh thank you~ you've got to get to know me to realise how great I am~

Why do you even want with Lance, he's not the best, I can get better.
How dare you say that about him! He's the sweetest, and besides with his personality it'll be so easy to get him back, just threaten to hurt his little babe and he'll give in immediately~
Ugh, fine, I'm only doing this for the money y'know— you're giving me quite a high price for this!
I know~ you should be given it from such a big boy job~

There was some movement and then the sound of a door slamming shut, there was faint movement from the stairs and then abrupt laughter from the woman slowly turning into giggling and then... silence.

Veronica stopped the recording, "I played it once to hear what it said, but there was nothing after the laughter...". Shiro was still silent from the audio that had been played, it was horrific. Not only was Lance going to be taken away, they would hold Keith a hostage to do so. He leaned back, and looked over at Veronica, "When was this recorded? And where?" He asked, trying to get more information getting information.
"It was recorded yesterday, and in my apartment building, my brother's house is a fifth-teen minute drive away from where the building I live in is." She informed Shiro, him listening intently. He looked down, "Keith Kogane did you say?" He sighed looking back up at his co-worker.
"Yes, why do you ask?" She replied quickly.
"Because he's my adopted brother, I live with him next door to your brother." He gravely spoke, holding his head in his hands. Veronica was surprised at how this all easily fitted together, it was too easy— the case would easily be done, there was too much evidence, witnesses, events, etc.

She was going to get rid of this criminal

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