Beach Boys

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Okay so I just need to clarify, Lance does have that power of the ocean (idk lmao) i just have a few more chapters before its talked about again, there is a little but of his 'power' in this chapter but that's gonna be it for about 3-4 chapters lmao, bye

There two had started to walk to the beach and Keith was blushing all the way from how the swimsuit clung onto Lance's muscles, but on the other hand Lance was looking at Keith and how cute he was in his red swim shorts. The two chatted along the way, they talked about hobbies and school life. Lance talked a lot about the school sports. And how much trouble he got into with Pidge and Hunk. Keith didn't really say anything, Lance was curious but didn't press on it.

As they got to the beach Keith sat down on a towel whilst Lance went into the water. Keith watched Lance in the sea with a smile, occasionally waving at Lance and him waving back with a large grin. After half an hour of Lance surfing, he came back to Keith and sat down next to him. Keith and him talk a bit more before Lance asks, "Hey, you wanna have a go surfing?" He tilts his head with a small smile on his lips. Keith shakes his head chuckling, "I'm good, besides I don't really know how to?" He shrugged and Lance gave out a small gasp and grabbed his shoulders with stars in his eyes.
"I need to teach you!" Lance smiled, "I can teach you, i have plenty of brothers and sisters— i once taught one of the twins to surf!" He exclaimed.

Keith giggled and nodded, "If you say so." He let out a small laugh, Lance's smile was contagious and it he definitely caught up with Keith. Him and Lance had started to walk to the waves and Lance had a massive grin on his face, whilst Keith was still giggling at the excitement in Lance's face. As they got in the water they went about thigh height for Keith's sake. Lance placed the board down, "Alright, just sit on the board, I'll keep it still and after you get on I'll sit beside you!" He placed his hand on the very front of the board and Keith lifted up his leg and sat on top. He looked up at Lance with a small smile. Lance smiled back and got onto the board be hide Keith, he wrapped his arms around the raven boy's waist.

"So we won't take waves, but how far do you wanna go?" Lance asks gently to Keith.
"I don't want to go too far in?" He said, sounding more like a question. Lance chuckled slightly and placed his hands in the water and started to paddle away from the shore, but not too far— like Keith had instructed him to. Lance was calm, and so was the ocean, Keith had wondered how all the waves had gone and there was only a few ripples that replaced them. He. Shrugged it off and focused on the "instructor", Lance.

After two hours of trying, Keith still didn't get the hang of it and went back to shore. It was a little embarrassing to him but Lance was still very proud of him for trying anyway. As they started to head to the houses Keith looked up at Lance, "Hey, um seen as though we're hanging out— do you wanna come over to my place Shiro's out so it'll only be us?" Keith asked nervously, him and Shiro never really let anyone come round to his house except Allura and Coran, which were family friends, and Shiro and Allura were in a relationship.

Shiro had told Keith he would be visiting the two whilst he's still in college and he's letting Keith stay, how lucky. Lance had also told him he would be home alone at the same time as Pidge was going to a college exchange trip, and Hunk was visiting his family back home. Lance had planned to visit his family but later in the year, he was told by his mother that she was busy but he could definitely visit in a month or so. He was happy he could visit them and he even asked Keith if he wanted to come, with some time to think. 

Lance had agreed happily coming back to Keith's, in exchange of a shower. Keith accepts this offer and made their way to Keith's home. The two walked inside and Keith let Lance get a shower first seen as though Keith had more time to dry off as Lance did. The tan boy was thankful and went upstairs but before getting directions to the shower. Lance had taken about ten minutes to use the shower and he came back down wearing his blue boxers but no shirt, he Keith he had forgotten to bring a shirt but Keith was fine with it, more than fine. After they talked Keith went upstairs to get his own shower, he took twenty minutes longer than Lance, which was quite surprising to the Cuban boy as people have told him he takes too long to get ready.

The two talked more and as the day went on it got to 2pm, Lance had to go back home— luckily they were just neighbours so it was fine. Lance said goodbye and as soon as the door shut Keith melted, he had almost spent a whole day with Lance and it felt incredible! He just wished he could spend more time with him if he was being honest, he really did seem to care (when he wanted to). Lance on the other hand didn't say anything he got back inside his home, he slipped off his shoes, put away his surf board and went upstairs. As soon as he closed his bedroom door shut and slid down to the floor, his hands on his chest.

He wanted Keith to be his beach boy and he knew why, love..

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