You Will Regret This In The Morning

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So,,,,,, season 7,,,,, lmao the fandom wasn't ready.but I'm literally pissed off that people have been rude to the writers and cast of the show, literally i felt like leaving the fan base and stop writing bc it was so toxic, but I'm staying (yay u have to deal with me more). I feel so sorry for the cast and creators, bex has even complained on Twitter about it and i just feel so bad. I know that many people are actually good people but there are always those people in groups. If you haven't heard some Voltron fans are starting a 2 weeks positivity thing, its being hosted by bluberri_pomchi on instagram and will be starting on aug 13. This hasn't been a good season 7 start for us, yes i can see why people dont like it, but i have enjoyed this season as much as the others, yes we were promised things we didn't get, and yes many characters weren't treated as we wished (our blue boy lancey lance) but it doesn't mean you can go sending death threats to all the creators of the show! And,,,,, klance,, i still believe it will happen but some people need to realise Voltron isn't a fan served show like yuri on ice, which is made for the fans needs. Voltron has a storyline and will follow it till the end. Lance will get his arch because we still have 13 more episodes left. And about klance, have you seen the plot twists in this show— klance is still possible.

Sorry about the complaints, I'm just worried at this point we wont even get a season 8. But thank you for the people who respect the creators, and if anyone who reads this has sent death threats is disgusting. Sorry, i love all of you who are supporting the creators and VAs, thank you!
Also using Nyma and Rolo in a weird way, don't ask lmao

As the sun rose through Keith's window he starts to stir from his slumber, leaning upwards, he looks around the room to recognised to be his own room. How did I get here? Keith questioned himself. He then realised that he was only in boxers with Lance's jacket around him, the smell of it was soothing to him. He decided to get out of bed and saw a piece of paper on his desk, he walked over to it curiously and picked it up.

'Hey you fell asleep in my house so i took you home, i gave you my jacket bc i had took off your clothes (not ur underwear though) and you looked cold, you can keep it for as long as you want, I've got loads of them. But yeah, nothing happened so you dont need to panick, ill be home all day so if you want you can come round whenever

Lance <3'

Keith blushed at Lance's message and heart at the end, that boy will be the death of Keith he swears.
Keith then starts to walk to the bathroom, leaving Lance's jacket in his bedroom for safe keeping, as he gets to the bathroom he's turns on the shower. He waits till it becomes the right temperature and he takes off his boxers and socks and steps in. As he washes his hair he can hear the faint noise of the door closing, it was probably Shiro leaving for his work.

Keith starts to finish up and he steps out, grabbing a towel and heading back to his room. As he got dry and put some clean clothes on, them being and MCR t-shirt, ripped jeans and red converse— with the addition of Lance's jacket. Which actually went well with his outfit. As he lazily made his way downstair, he saw that Shiro had left like he thought he did. Keith went towards the kitchen and grabbed a box or cereal, milk and a bowl. Starting to eat it slowly, looking out the front window of the home. He saw Hunk and Pidge walk past the house, not seeing Keith from looking like they were in deep conversation.

After Keith had finished up his cereal he put it in the sink, and decided to head next door to Lance. He tied his shoes and walked out the house, locking it before just to make sure. As he walked around the fence, separating the two houses, he saw two figures staring at him secretly. Keith gave them an obvious glare and they stopped, he might ask Lance about them once he was inside— away from their sight.

As he quickly knocked on the door he heard a faint, 'Coming!' From the other side of the door. Keith looked over his shoulder anxiously and saw that the two figures were now on the same side of the street as Keith. His blood level soared to the sky as he saw them staring once again, he then heard the door fling open— startling Keith. He looked over at Lance and saw that he wasn't looking at Keith himself, he was looking at the two figures, Keith seemed quite unnerved and then saw a bat in Lance's hands.

Lance had dragged Keith inside and went over to the people hiding away, they were also startled and started to back up.
"You know you're not welcome here, just because we used to know each other doesn't mean we are still a couple." Lance growled at one of the figures, which was now apparent that they were a young woman.
"B-but Lance! I loved you, I-I love y-you still. Why can't you t-take me back?" The girl squeaked, seeming to not take the message to leave.
"Because you broke a law and you know which one!" Lance hissed at the girl, but now turning to the other, "And who are you?"
"I'm Rolo, Nyma's friend, I'm just here for if things get messy dude..." he responded suspiciously, he had a small grin and had eye staring Lance down mockingly.

Lance then snapped, slapping Nyma and then punching Rolo in the face. He started to run towards Keith and the house, getting inside and slamming the door shut, locking it and pushing his body against the door. The door starts to be hit with Nyma's teary screaming with it almost coming off the hinges. Lance was also starting to struggle from keeping it shut, Keith decided to also put his weight on the door, trying to help Lance as much as possible.

"If you two don't leave I will call the police! Don't think I won't!" Lance roars to the two screaming from the outside, it then went completely silent, except some weeps from Nyma, Keith and Lance then heard Rolo say something as foot steps become quieter and smaller as they takes steps out of the driveway.
"Who was that!?" Keith screamed at Lance, "What did she want?!"

Lance seemed a bit startled but finally caught his breath,"Crazy ex-girlfriend from high school, we broke up before graduation because of me finding out what she did because another girl had a crush me.." he laughed nervously. Keith shivered at the thought of what this girl could've done, but decided not to ask. He just walked in front of Lance and gave him a hug, trying to calm himself down from that event.

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