Lance, I'm Sorry!

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Lmao, now here's some mild klangst. You're welcome :) you ready, cuz I'm not! Lmao lets go on a journey of mild sadness, yay :)))))

As Keith sat waiting on the table, sitting quietly with Pidge, the girl suddenly stands up and walks to the window gazing slowly at the ground below to the dark cloud that was starting to part and become lighter. Keith had felt extremely guilty for what he had done, he had caused this mess and he only wanted to apologise to Lance, but Pidge had been given strict instructions to only go out after the cloud faded. Keith was getting awfully inpatient and scowled at Pidge secretly as she walked past to go to her bedroom. As Keith waited for Pidge to come back down he saw, in the corner of his eye that his phone lit up, he scrambled to his phone and brought it up to his face.

He read over it quickly and gasped quietly, it was Lance! His eyes were wide with a small smile on his lips. He read the text aloud quietly, just so Pidge didn't hear.
"I'm at the beach, you can come get me. Don't bring Pidge." Keith whispered, he looked outside and saw that rain was only drizzle now. He gave a pout and texted back, 'I'm on my way!' Keith shut off his phone and stuffed it in his back pocket. He grabbed his red hoodie from before and took the very jacket Lance was wearing when they first met. He looked at the stairs to see Pidge's shadow slowly approaching, so Keith threw open the door and ran down the road.

Keith had ran faster then he thought he could ever run. He had made it to the beach where the waves were only just calming down, different to the island. He scanned his eyes across the beach seeing a figure on the beach-side cliff, curled up with their knees tucked in. Keith's eyes softened by the sight of the figure, he started to walk up to the cliff to meet up with the figure. As he reached the figure he sat down next to them and looked at the sun as same as the body next to him.

"Why did you come?" The figure finally spoke up, their voice cracking in the middle of their question.
"Because I care, Lance..." Keith spoke softly, turning his head towards Lance. As the words left Keith's mouth Lance started to giggle, and it slowly turned into loud chuckling and soon enough laughing. Keith was taken back by the laughter that came from Lance's throat, the raven boy became confused and even a bit terrified. Keith started to lean away, but not moving his whole body away.

"Hah! You care about someone like me?! Keith I'm a monster, I'm not able to control my powers!" Lance screamed at Keith, he stood up and started to stomp away. Keith jumped upwards and chased after Lance, screaming his name.
"Lance! Wait, please!" Keith hollered at Lance, grabbing his arm with a vice like grip.

"Dammit Keith, get off!" Lance yells at Keith, trying to pull his arm away. But Keith kept his grasp onto Lance, but struggling.
"Keith, why do you care?!" Lance screeches at Keith, yanking his arm out of Keith's grip and he starts to walk away. But Keith wasn't done, he was determined. Without thinking, he ran in front of Lance and shouted, "I care because I love you!". But as soon as the word left Keith's mouth, he covered his mouth and starts to walk backwards.

"Keith..." Lance said softer before, walking towards Keith... but to have Keith taking steps back as well. Keith shakes his head violently, how could he just confess at a time like this!? How stupid is he?!

Keith was pulled out of his thoughts with a hug, the body was called but it felt so warm. Keith hugs back weakly, starting to cry making it hard for him to breathe. But his crying starts to calm down from a warm kiss on his cheek, forehead and nose. His breathe hitched multiple times and he grabbed onto Lance with a firm grip.

"I love you too Keith..."

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