Broken Glass and Bratty Threats

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As soon as Keith heard the news he shot up in Lance's bed, jumping off and pulling his jacket back on. Even though Lance was calling his name, he grabbed his shoes and bolted out the door. How could he not have heard this? He was next door for heavens sake! He almost tripped around the sharp corner of the large fence between the  two houses. 

He was breathing heavily when he got to the door, it was bashed in  so it was easier to get in. As he walked down the hallway, old photos of Keith and his mother (who's face was normally out of shot, but only having two pictures of her actually face) were seemingly thrown on the floor and walked over. There was also some small holes, seemingly being punched or punctured by a weapon and being dragged along the wall.

He heard Shiro's voice in the kitchen and he headed towards the room, he stuck his head in the room, seeing Shiro talking with Veronica on the phone, he noticed Keith. But keith signalled to carry on talking, he nodded and the smaller boy left the room.

Keith started to head upstairs, the banister having massive holes, the damage seemingly done by a mallet or hammer. He climbed the stairs and headed to his room, oh god. The damage was mainly in his room, nobody must have noticed his chaotic room. 

The bed had been destroyed, like someone had just snapped it in half. His walls had millions of holes and his desk had turned into splinters, but his computer was nowhere to be found— of course. They had to steal his only way of doing essays, absolutely amazing. 

Keith didn't bother to look at the other rooms, he knew that what he would come upon was going to be destroyed. He walked down the stairs, talking a look at the broken photos on the floor again. He gasped quietly.

There was a little white piece of paper stuck underneath the newest photo of Keith, when he started college and Shiro had begged to take a photo.

It had a black broken heart and under it said 'Blonde Mistress', he took the paper out and unfolded it, starting to read it in his mind;

'Dear little boy, 

Me and You have history y'know, only a little but enough for you to be scared. You took my gem, my beloved and my sun— and now you have to pay the price.

Give me back my beloved and soon your life will be normal again, alone and only a big brother to protect you.

Sound good?


-Blonde Mistress'

Keith rolled his eyes, what a stupid threat... but, persistent on getting their "beloved" back— whatever that meant.

He'd show Shiro, maybe he and Veronica had a lead already? Who knows, he didn't....

(( sorry for the short chapter, they're going to have to be between 300- 800 now, sorry! As i said last chapter family stuff and now more family stuff, but I'm still trying to update when i can! :) see ya))

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