Rose Cheeks

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((Sorry I've been gone for a while! Family business and stuff like that, but I'm back— btw updates will be a tad slower from now on :/ sorry guys))

As Lance pulled Keith along the street, the street lamps lightly painting over their skin. Keith blushed at how Lance looked in this light, his warm hand holding his, his constant chatter to keep the conversation from awkward silent, and his warm happy smile that could make anyone fall into his arms. Keith had kept asking where they were going, but Lance had always shut the question down. Keith had always pouted at Lance, and as a small apology, Lance would give a quick peck on the lips.

It's true that the two hadn't shared that cliche first kiss, but Lance had given him time and was only just giving him quick pecks to comfort him into kisses— which Keith appreciated. As Lance turned one last corner, Keith started to smell a warm and comforting smell.

"Lance, what's that smell?" Keith asked, tilting his head towards Lance.

"I guess I can tell you now... we're going to my uncle's restaurant!" Lance winked at Keith, "It's quite modern and just kind of just like a massive living room, its really comfy!"

Keith hummed happily, he was content with Lance's choice— he never really liked to go to fancy dinners, and even if they did they would both be severely under dressed. As they got to the  entrance, Lance pushed the glass door open, letting the smaller boy in first. He giggled at the gesture, and as soon as he walked in he was hit with the same delicious smell, which was much more stronger now they were inside. 

Keith gasped at the sight of it all, most of the seats were cushioned and fairy lights decorated the walls. Lance grinned at Keith's reaction and dragged him towards an empty table, "Wait, don't you have to talk about a table first at a waiter or something?" Keith asked, confused.

"Nope, everyone who works here are some part of my family, so when people who are still part of the fam, who don't work here, can just come in and eat— family policy." Lance explained cheerfully, pointing his finger at every waiter or chef that walk by.

Keith hummed in reply, it seemed fair that the family got to just come in and sit down, "Do you still have to pay?" Keith asked another question.

"Oh yeah, business is business, but if we don't have the right amount of money at the time, we just pay them back a few days later or at a family reunion, which happens like every two months or so." Lance explained once again, a waiter placing down a jug of water and some glasses for them to drink. Keith gave a small thank you, whilst Lance started to speak Spanish with them.

After a long conversation, which Keith barely understood, Lance gestured to Keith and the raven haired boy turned red.

"Ah, so you're Keith, nice to meet you!" The waiter took out her hand and Keith awkwardly shook it, "Y'know Lance speaks very highly of yo-" As the girl spoke, she was shooved in the stomach by Lance's elbow.

"Shut it Racheal!" Lance screamed at her, blushing madly. Keith found it cute...

As they finally ordered the food, that had a non-stop conversation, talking about old school stories to what they were doing in the future. Turns out Lance wanted to be a professional surfer, he did have talent with singing and a guitar but wasn't planning to take it any further than a hobby. Keith had a constant smile throughout the whole thing, even whilst eating, he couldn't stop smiling.

As they walked out the restaurant, their stomach filled up to the brim, they slowly made their way to Lance's home. The small number of people that they saw on the way, was now gone— it was just them with a rare car lighting up the road past them.

As they stumbled through Lance's door, they both took off their shoes, giggling at each other— lovesick for one another. Lance lifted up Keith and brought him into his room, Keith giving out a surprised squeal. Lance lightly kicked his door open and placed Keith on his bed safely, and whilst Keith was snuggling into Lance's warm bed, Lance started to take off his shirt and put on a  thin vest and kept on his boxers. 

Just before Keith could look up at Lance, the pale-skinned boy felt two hands grip the sleeves of his jacket, he gasped but was shushed by Lance's shushing— making him calm down. Lance gently tugged it off and placed it on one of his hooks on the back of his door.

Lance lay down next to Keith, and the smaller boy immediately snuggled up into his chest, earning a tired chuckle from Lance. He wrapped his arms around Keith's waist and pulled him even closer.


As the two woke up together, they lay there in silence, in the comfort of each others presence, they were jolted awake by the loud sound of Keith's ringtone. The smaller boy awkwardly grabbed his phone and saw Shiro's name presented on the screen of the phone. He sighed, embarrassed, whilst Lance smiled and sat up, hugging him from behind. 

"Shiro, what do you want?" Keith asked tiredly, full of sass.

Keith heard Shiro grunt annoyingly from the younger brothers way of saying 'hello', "Keith, I don't need your sass right now, there's been a brake in."

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