The Work Place

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As Veronica store into her office building, not even saying a 'hello' to her co-workers earlier today. She had been looking at the note Shiro's younger brother had given him this morning;

Veronica was just about to get into her car, but stopped when she heard a small faint voice of her name; she looked up and around her car. She then saw a small figure running up to her with a panicked face, "Veronica! It's me Keith! Lance's friend!"  They shouted and finally caught up with  the car. 

"Oh hello Keith, what did you need me for?" Veronica smiled, spotting a small piece of paper in his hand. "Well you know how my house was broken into I found this." Keith spoke and handed Veronica the piece of paper. She took it, and opened it up. She quickly scanned over it and gasped.

"I will look at this more throughly when I get to the office!" Veronica noted to herself and Keith and jumped into the car, she looked at the time in her car and realised that she was going to be late, "Alright Keith, I've got to go because I'll be late, can you make it back home?" 

"Yeah I can don't worry, I'm meeting up with Lance at the beach." Keith responded, and Veronica  nodded and sped off. Keith sighed and looked at the trail of smoke and tire marks from Veronica's car, and started to walk to the beach.


She sighed and put it to the side for now and started some more work that was overdue, and Shiro being Shiro wanted her to complete it.

As Veronica started typing, she was unaware of the eyes locked onto her towards the front desk— Abbie. She had seen the note Veronica was holding and knew it was part of the case Veronica, Shiro and some others were associated with now. She was ready for the right time to grab it and hand it over to Shiro, then she would be assigned to the case as well, and even maybe Veronica being pushed off the case! What a dream!

As Abbie was day-dreaming she didn't realise that Veronica had gone to the toilet, and another co-worker had slowly been creeping up towards the desk. He wasn't that popular or talkative with the other employees and just kept his head down and worked, he mostly did research on the darker sides on the internet to see if any of the kidnappings and rare murders were posted on there, well most people think that anyway. He has solved three kidnap cases and one murder.

He was respected throughout the workplace even though not many knew his name, Abbie broke from her daydreaming and saw that the piece of paper was now gone, she growled and looked around the room, there were two other desks that were empty, which didn't include Lotor or Veronica. Abbie looked to the entrance and exit of the station, the door was just now closing. Abbie huffed, so far unlucky, but she'll get her chance.

One day.....

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