Lance? Keith?

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After the day Keith had finally seen Lance, he realised how much he liked him. Shiro was getting sick and tired of Keith's complaining on how, 'here could be such a perfect human being'. Pidge only fuelled his obsession by sneaking pictures of Lance, daily. Keith knew that he seemed a little too obsessed, but he's an obsessive gay— you can't blame him.

"Pidge I'm telling you! That Keith guy doesn't seem to like me! He more likely hates me, so if he hates me- i. Hate. Him" Lance growled whilst shoving cereal into his mouth.
"Lance I swear to god, Keith is socially awkward, i was about to introduce him to you but you and Hunk walked off!" Pidge shouted back, she was ready to run into him but Hunk stopped her and glared at both of them.
"Guys we all know, we need to keep calm— especially Lance. Lance go calm down outside, before... y'know" Hunk calmly spoke to the seething pair.
"Right" Lance sighed, as he walked outside— just before he left the house he took his signature jacket.

As he headed to a small forest near the house, he started to get a little hot so he took off his jacket and shirt— tucking his shirt in his joggers and wraps his jacket around his waist. He heads to the middle of the small forest, where a small opening with a bench to sit and relax. Whilst he walks he pets a few dogs and gets a few drooling girls staring at him, but he had finally made it to the bench— but, someone was already there. He sighed but it seemed to be too loud as the stranger turned round, and as Lance was trying to clam down, low and behold it was Keith. As the two starred each other down Lance decided to break the ice, "Keith, right?" He asked whilst tilting his head slightly.
"Um...y-yeah, Lance right?" Keith says, stumbling on his words.
"The one and only", Lance gave out his signature smirk, "so what brings you here?"
As the sun was starting set Keith started to get more and more aggressive as the day went on— he realised how annoying Lance could get to.

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