Let's Just Relax

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((A small fluff chapter whilst I'm making more books for you all))

It had been two weeks since the braking in at Keith's and Shiro's place; they had decided to stay at the house next door — Lance, Pidge's, and Hunk's house. Of course they were delighted they were moving in for a bit (mostly Keith and Lance, plus a Pidge). Now Keith was sitting on Lance's bed, scrolling through his instagram page, mostly being bikes (but maybe a few celebrity crushes). He perked up when he got a request in his messages, it was probably just a weird fake account run by a forty-two year old man. 

He clicked on it, but was surprised not to see millions of water emoji's but saw a message in binary code...his eyebrows lifted in confusion ringing started in his head. He shook his head and deleted the message: Probably a group of tweens trying to scare him. 

After Keith deleted the message, Lance walked in the room holding two bags of breakfast he went to go get for the both of them. Keith smiled and put down his phone, Lance jumped on the bed next to Keith, making the smaller boy lift up at little. They laughed and Lance took out the two pastries he bought. They happily ate together in silence, Keith cuddling up to Lance.

After they both finished, Lance turned to Keith and asked, "Hey Keith, what'cha want to do today?" He spoke and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

Keith smiled and looked up at Lance, "Let's just relax today, we always go outside when we meet up— let's just watch a movie and cuddle today..." he smiled. Lance nodded and rolled the both of them over towards the top of the bed, the massive amount of cushions envelopes them both. Keith giggles and wiggles into Lance's chest, earning a satisfied hum from Lance.

As they lay there together Lance turns a small bit to get his phone, he turns it on and then goes to a file of downloaded movies.

"Which one do you wanna watch?" Lance asked, tilting his head towards Keith.

"This one." Keith points towards an old, terrible film that Lance and Hunk once for the kicks of it. Eventhough Lance has watched it before (and hated it), he complies to Keith's request and he clicks on the file of the bad film.

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