Family Waterloom

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As Lance had been at the beach alone, he had been in their secret spot, seemingly just listening to the waves. He had just been sitting there in the waves, them slapping against his legs and feet. His looked down at the small waves, feeling the wind lapping against the water making a calm breeze.

He sighed, he closed his eyes. He felt the sun beat against his bare skin, his head in his hands. He looked over to the setting sun, the colours mixing together in the sky, "Ugh! This is so annoying!" He pushed himself on the ground, wetting his shirt and shorts now laying down, "I just want a normal life, a normal relationship with Keith— but noooo, Nyma has to ruin it all because of an obsession." He growled, soon sighing and looking up at the sky.

As he lay there he felt some water drip on his forehead, he opened his eyes, thinking he made it rain— again. He opened his eyes and saw and transparent figure, he gasped and leaned upwards looking at the figure.

As he looked at the figure, he saw that they were made of...water? They seem to be a middle aged woman, two feet smaller than Lance. She had a plump shape, the wrinkles on her face folding from the smile you gave.

"Uh, hello?" Lance spoke up, looking up at the woman, who started to sit down next to him. She smiled and scooted next to him.
"Hello young one.." She replied slowly.
"Wait, you look like my... great grandmother, are you?" He asked, looking over at the locket on her neck, the one in her picture in the hall way— surrounded as by other photos of the McLain family.

She hummed at Lance, looking at the sunset before them.
"This power has been passed down each two generations, me being the last one, and you being the present Child of the Ocean... there are many of us scattered around the globe but only when you become part of the ocean you can meet others," She turned to Lance and then started to grin, "It's a good way for free vacation!"

She chuckled at her own joke, and Lance laughed along with her. She held her locket in her hand, she pulled it from her neck. The water chains, then turned to metallic chains, and the locket itself turning a golden. She handed him the locket and he gladly took it, he looked down at the locker in his hands, the pattern of swirls all over the surface. He skimmed his thumb over the top, he looked back to where his great grandma was sitting. But she had now started to walk back into the ocean.

"That locket is now yours, and you will pass it down to the next Child, the locket will help you with better control and communication of the ocean..." She spoke softly, and off she went, into the ocean without a splash of small wave. Lance was left in silence, looking at the locket as the sun fully submerged into the ocean and finally became dark.

Lance stood up, he put the locket around his neck and tucked it under his shirt. He crawled over the rocks and towards home...

As he walked home, as clothes just starting to dry out, he walked to the door and heard a car turning onto the driveway, he looked over his shoulder to see Hunk's new car, which had only been bought ealier this week. Pidge had stepped out of car with four large pizzas, she saw Lance and grinned, "There your are! We got pizza without you, but Hunk insisted on getting you one." She rolled her eyes as Hunk stepped out, taking two off her stack of pizzas.

"Thank you Hunk, you're the best." Lance smiled, opening the door for his two roommates with the pizzas. As they all walked inside Pigde took her two pizzas straight to the living room, placing them down on the coffee table they have next to the couch.

As they brought up a list of motives to watch, Lance started to zone out of the conversation. He looked down to where the locket was hidden, clutching it with his hands. He kept hold of it and closed his eyes, he didn't know why, it just felt right? As he could only see darkness from his closed eyes, he started to see a blue tint in the darkness.

He gasped and opened his eyes, looking over at Pidge and Hunk. Still seeing that they were deciding what film to watch, Lance was unnerved by what happened. Nothing unnerving actually happened but it felt like it was going to happen, but... not in the moment, like it was days away maybe hours. It was strange to him, but he let it slide, seeing that they had just started up a movie.

He took a slice of pizza from his box, but stopped when something smelt off. He looked around the room, nothing. He looked down at his pizza, the meat looked... different.
"Hey Hunk I think they got us the wrong order for my pizza, the meat doesn't look like it's supposed to?" He spoke up, looking over to the two and seeing that they were looking at him. Hunk stood up and looked at the slice.
"I can see where you're coming from, it feels like the same texture, just more liquid-y..." Hunk described, poking the meat off the pizza and onto a smaller plate. Pidge decided to finally step in, "I've got college tomorrow, I can ask my professor, it seems like it's got a liquid on so I'll ask if they could help me finding it out." Pidge declared, looking at the two.

"For now Lance just eat the shared pizza, it's just a mix of all our favourites." Pidge shrugged taking another bite out of her own pizza. Lance hummed in agreement, taking the pizza box and digs in.

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