5 • Can't Lose Her

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It's been 2 hours.

2 hours since Peter finally got her back.

During that time, the boy hadn't left the living room at all. He sat at the other side of the couch, slowly drifting off while the TV in front of him played an episode of Doctor Who.

It was the girl's favorite show and he gladly put it on for her when the sobbing fest finally ceased.

Peter's eyes began to droop down, being consumed by the want of sleep. He didn't realize how tired he was. Maybe it was today's Spider duty or the dehydration from crying too much finally wore him out.

Either way, he still kept himself awake to keep an eye on the girl just in case she needed anything.

He felt like this was all an illusion; that if he left or even closed his eyes that she'd be gone and still in a coma.

It was unexpected for her to be here, sleeping on his couch dressed in his Aunt's pj's. May had set her up with anything the girl could need for when she said she felt drowsy—a cup of water on the table next to her and two layers of cozy blankets.

Madeline clutches a pillow close to her chest, and huddles in a small ball. Her eyes moved under her closed eyelids from being in a dream.
Or maybe it was a nightmare.

Peter sighs through his nose, seeing the girl uncomfortable because of the oven mitts covering around her hands. She moved every so often, stirring awake uncomfortably just to fall back to sleep again and again.

He felt sorry for her. She should be sleeping peacefully after all the stress she's been through.

So, cautiously, he got up from his side of the couch and dropped down on his knees in front of her. For a second, he spotted a drop of sweat from her temple almost resembling a tear.

He bit his lip, now trying to concentrate of getting the mitts off without waking her up. Peter slowly slid one off and Maddie quietly hummed in response, making him stop his actions for a moment.

Peter knew this was a bad idea. The mitts were the only thing protecting her as of now. But he saw the value of her finally getting a peaceful sleep greater than her getting restrained like an animal.

When he was sure that she was still asleep, he finished taking it off, revealing her hand covered in white bandage just like his. He knew his own hand healed completely by now but he didn't know wether or not hers did as well. It wasn't like she had healing abilities, at least of what he knew.

He ultimately decided not to pry, and then focused on taking Madeline's second mitt off. This one was a bit tricky to deal with because the pillow she was hugging trapped it underneath.

But it was no match for the boy. With now both being completely off, he tossed them on the floor and took a relieved breath.

The boy went to get up, and as he did, he noticed a small gleam at the corner of his eye. It didn't take him long to realize that the gleam was a small chain, resting on Madeline's neck.

{2} Webbed Soul *Peter Parker*Where stories live. Discover now