4 • Wake

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It was dark, cold



Nothing but silence

Being in a coma, waking up is like coming back from a dream; Everything happening in a blur, only to be pulled away and pushed into reality again.

Madeline's mind had been locked away in a pit of darkness and she felt as if her body had been weighed down by an invisible force. She was unable to move her fingers or open her eyes but her soul felt like it was still there, trapped in nothing.

The torment finally came to end end when she heard a voice whisper and cut through the silence.

The air surrounding her felt hot—hot enough to where it felt like she was in a humid sauna. The girl felt like she was her feet were standing on hot lava rocks and her hands dipped in fire.


Burn everything.

Burn it all.

The voice seared through her veins and planted a growing seed into her mind. It was just recently when the voice had come to her. Never had she felt such anger or power come from one single force.

It all terrified her.

No one can help you.

No one can save you.

It grew louder and louder, pounding into her ears as she screamed out for anyone to come help her but her voice made no vocal sound.

Destroy it all.
Melt them with a single touch.
Cause chaos.

Burn it all.

Madeline suddenly jolted forward from a normal resting position. Her eyes snap open in high alert when she looks around her surroundings. She was in Peter's apartment, sitting upright on the couch with a blanket thrown over her and her hands covered with oven mitts that are duct taped shut around her wrists.

Her breathing is staggered as her legs try to kick off the blanket and the beads of sweat run down her face. Her hands began to burn again just like they had been in the bathroom.

All she was trying to do was wash her hands, but then she felt a surge of power electrify her arms and the cold water she touched turned into hot water instantly. She remembered screaming from the pain and then seeing smoke rise from her palms. The water droplets stung her skin but the heat evaporated them completely off.

{2} Webbed Soul *Peter Parker*Where stories live. Discover now