Chapter 2

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"You're beautiful," Lucas says pecking me on the lips. I kiss him back and smile.
"You're perfect." He says kissing me again.
"You're so kind."
"You're so smart."
"You're my whole world."
"You're my everything."

I giggle and bury my head in his chest blushing. He chuckles at me and holds me in his arms.

"I absolutely love you." He squeezes me gently.
"I love you, Lucas." I smile up at him.
"But can I ask you a favor?" I asked.
"Of course my princess." He right away agreed. I bit my bottom lip worried he'd get mad but it was still worth asking.

"Would you mind if you just... I don't know pulled back on your... bullying?" I asked, trying to form the right words.
"What? What are you talking about I'm not a bully!" He says laughing.
"Well no but you are very protective of me. And that's ok sometimes but think about the feelings of the kids you punch, kick, beat up."
"They deserve it, babe!"
"What about Shawn Mendes? You just chased the poor boy down the street and hit him. Not even listening to reason." I gave him an example.
"Baby, Lisa said he was rude to you I wasn't just going to let him get away with that!"
"But I told you afterward he did nothing wrong. Lisa was seeing things!" I kind of lied. Lisa intentionality sent Lucas on Shawn but Shawn definitely didn't do anything! If I told him Lisa did it on purpose then he'd just get mad at being used.

"I know but it was an in the moment thing. Y'know?" He defended himself, trying to make it seem like he did nothing wrong.
"I know but please, do you think for me you can... apologize?" I asked furrowing my brows sympathetically.
"You did hit him when he wasn't doing anything..." I explained how he was in the wrong.
"I mean-"
"I'd also appreciate it so very much!" I cut him off trying to convince him.
"I guess..."
"Thank you so much!" I cheer up pecking him on the lips. He smiled a goofy smile before nodding. I grab my things and let him know I'm gonna head to class before the bell rings just to give him enough time to meet with me after he apologized.

After about 30 minutes Lucas comes strutting in. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He walked over to his seat which was right next to mine.

"So? Did you apologize?" I asked. Lucas just smiled and nodded. I smiled wide and reached over my desk hugging him and kissed his cheek in appreciation. After that Shawn, himself walked into class. He looked a little different. He was wearing a black v-neck and black skinny jeans just not his usual attire. He must have noticed me looking at him when he turned his head towards me. I just smiled at him and in return, he shyly smiled back.

After class, I held hands with Lucas as we walked to the lunch room. Just as we were about to head out I noticed something on the desk Shawn was sitting at. It was the little brown journal that Lisa stepped on yesterday. He must have left it behind. As we walk by I quickly grab it and held it behind my back, making sure Lucas doesn't notice as he leads the way.

In the lunch hall, I sit right next to Lucas. While he's busy eating and talking with his friends I'm on his right immersed in the journal.

I know it's wrong to read something that's not mine but I was so curious and as soon as I opened the book it was full of lyrics, poems, notes... I was inside Shawn's mind and it was so fascinating.

One passage he writes about how he wants to dedicate a song to this mystery girl,

"I promise that one day I'll be around
I'll keep you safe
I'll keep you sound
Right now it's pretty crazy
And I don't know how to stop
Or slow it down

I know there are some things we need to talk about
And I can't stay

Just let me hold you for a little longer now
Take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone"

The lyrics were so romantic if only I could hear them sung. I bite my bottom lip and look around the lunch room. My eyes wander to a boy sitting all alone at a table. I stand up kissing Lucas on the cheek as I close the journal in my hands.

"Lisa want's me to meet her at her locker, I'll see you after school, darling," I say. He nods before going back to his conversation.

I quickly approach Shawn. He was slouched over a textbook probably studying. I tap his shoulder and he immediately looks back to see me. I smile wide at him, just happy to see him acknowledge me.

"Hey, Shawn if it's not too much trouble can... can you follow me?" I asked, a little nervous about his answer. He quickly looked back at his book closing it and standing up. I grabbed him by his wrist. I quickly pulled him out of the cafeteria and started running making him run with me. We laughed as we were running, almost falling over.

I brought Shawn all the way to the school's auditorium. We were backstage until I pulled him out onto the main stage. I let go of his wrist and put one hand up signaling for him to wait before I dig into my bag.

"So... I'm sorry in advance," I say pulling out the journal. Shawn's eyes widened.
"Before you get any ideas... you left it in class and... and well I was curious, I didn't see a lot but... I saw something." I explained holding the book out to him. He gently took it from me.
"Wh-what did you see?" He asked sounding scared.
"The song, about not being alone. And I only read the one passage before it then the lyrics. But that's all that I want to focus on... please?" I asked biting my bottom lip.
"O-Ok..." He said.
"I-I was just wondering if... um..." I trailed off looking down a little scared.
"Do you want me to sing it?" He asked as if he read my mind. I looked back up at him with a smile on my face.
"Yes! Please! You don't have to if you don't want to I just... I really want to hear it, to get to know the song." I explained.

Shawn just looked down at his journal and a smile spread across his face.

"Ok but... can I throw in a condition?"
"Oh yes! That's fair enough." I nodded.
"Well... I was um... I wanted..." He hesitated.
"A-A kiss? On the cheek, or..." he trailed off, his cheeks flushed red and he looked down embarrassed.
"Mmmm... ok." I agreed.
"Wh-Wai-Really?!" He looked shocked.
"Sing!" I cheered.
"O-Ok!" He sounded excited. I quickly ran off the stage and sat in the front row seats of the stage. I sat at the edge of the seat with my legs crossed, waiting patiently as he warmed himself up by taking a deep breath and shaking off his nerves. He cleared his throat before beginning.

"You'll never be alone
When you miss me close your eyes
I may be far but never gone
When you fall asleep tonight
Just remember that we lay under the same stars

And hey
I know there are some things we need to talk about
And I can't stay
Just let me hold you for a little longer now"

He sang beautifully. I felt mesmerized. He didn't even have to read his journal, he looked me right in the eyes as the words just smoothly escaped from his mouth. I stood up and got closer to the stage never breaking eye contact. His voice bounced off the walls of the auditorium creating amazing acoustics.

"Cecilia!" A high pitched voice yelled from the entrance of the auditorium. I look back and Shawn immediately stops singing. I see Lisa sitting there with her hands resting on her hips.

"What is happening here?" She asks strutting into the room.
"Oh... uh... Shawn was just practicing his singing and I was already here just... uh-"
"I know you're fucking lying." She cuts me off, squints at me.
"Didn't you hear anything I told you yesterday?" She asked me not paying attention to Shawn.
"But... Shawn's my friend." I said looking over at him. His looked embarrassed and then looked away.
"I'M your friends, HE is nothing." She said grabbing my wrist and pulling me with her. I looked back at Shawn and he just stood there looking defeated. I was pulled out of the room not even getting the chance to say goodbye.

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