Chapter 23

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After Shawn invited me over to his dorm I noticed we walked past the boy's dorm and started to walk off the campus after awhile.
"Uh, Shawn aren't we going to your dorm?" I asked looking around trying to take in the surrounding.
"Oh! You didn't know, I don't have a dorm room on campus, I'm renting out an apartment off school grounds. It's honestly so much cheaper." He explained.
"Oh wow." I was kind of surprised and a little more nervous.
"Yeah but it's really not that far. It's just this really nice and small studio." He smiled at me.

We walked off the campus and headed for an apartment complex right next to it. I suppose it wasn't really that far, putting me somewhat at ease. I was still nervous about being alone in an apartment with a boy. Even if it was Shawn he obviously has a history of acting strangely towards me. But we're friends now right? I'm sure he'll behave now.

As we were walking I saw a familiar face walking up to Shawn and me.
"Hello," Harry said as he raised a hand.
"Harry, hi!" I said walking up to him.
"How are you doing?" He asked in his deep and slow British accent.
"Good! And yourself?" I asked.
"A little better now after seeing your cute face." He winked at me. I felt my cheeks flush and I looked away.
"So what are you doing today?" He asked.
"Oh! Well me and my friend Shawn, the one I told you about, we're just hanging out tonight." I explained gesturing over to Shawn. He walks up to us.
"Hi, I'm Shawn Mendes very nice to meet you." He smiled a big toothy smile.
"So I've heard, nice to meet you too, Harry Styles," Harry says and they shake hands with smiles on their faces.
"So, Cecilia since I have you here now I was wondering if we can change our schedule for the singing lessons a bit," Harry said.
"Oh, sure no problem what did you have in mind?" I asked. I glanced over at Shawn for a second, he just looked confused.
"So Tuesdays are still ok for me but if you maybe wanted faster results I was thinking Fridays and Sundays all around 10 am." He said.
"That works for me, Shawn we can work on the actual song on Thursdays and Saturdays right?" I asked, looking up at him.
"Oh, or whenever you want, like now while we go back to my apartment... or even tomorrow after our IT class," Shawn commented.
"Of course, whenever is good for me." I smiled at him before turning back to Harry.
"So Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays," I confirmed with Harry. He nodded.
"Well, it was nice seeing you again." He said as he hugged me. I hummed and said you too as he pulled away. "And it was nice meeting you, Shawn." Harry nodded to him before walking past us.

"So... what was that?" Shawn asked.
"Oh, yesterday, a little after you left and after Lisa came back when I was giving Lisa her space I went to the music room and there I met Harry. He let me listen to a song he wrote and it was amazing! But we talked a bit and we both think it's too much pressure on you to have to teach me to sing and write this song so he offered me singing lessons." I smiled as I explained the situation to Shawn.

"Oh... that... that wouldn't have been a problem for me, I don't really mind teaching you and writing this song." He shrugged, he seemed a little awkward.
"Yeah but I still want this to be easy on you," I explained. He just took in a deep breath.
"Yeah... Yeah, thank you." He said with a small smile, slightly sounding disappointed for some reason. I smiled back and nodded at him.

After leaving the campus around 6:50ish, we got to Shawn's apartment at around 7:20. He promised me he'd walk me back to my room when I was ready to leave, but honestly, I don't really want to go. I can't go back to Lisa and forget Maria, I feel so embarrassed. I was sitting on his couch my knees were brought up to my chest and I hugged them, thinking over my sleeping arrangements for tonight.

"Hey, you want a water or something?" Shawn's voice broke me out of my thoughts.
"Hmm? Oh! Yes please, if you don't mind." I answered with a small smile. He just nodded and stood up, walking over to the fridge which was only a few steps away.
"You ok? You've been zoning in and out for a bit." Shawn asked, furrowing his brows, looking concerned.
"Uh... well..." I trailed off, wondering if I should tell him what I was thinking. He returned with a bottle of water and a beer. He hands me the water and I thank him as he does. He then plops himself down next to me.

"So...? You wanna tell me what's up?" He asks popping open the beer with a bottle opener then taking a sip.
"You're gonna think I'm dumb," I said shaking my head as I twisted open the bottle of water.
"Try me." He says in a gruff voice, swallowing his beer.
"Ugh..." I sighed out my frustration, "I didn't say anything earlier because I didn't want to concern you or worry you about it but Lisa... she slapped me yesterday a while after you left so, I'm afraid to go back to my room. Then with Maria-"
"Wait, Lisa slapped you?!" Shawn said putting his beer down on the coffee table in front of us.
"Y-Yeah... but-"
"But nothing are you ok?!" He asks scooting closer to me and looking me over.
"I'm fine! I promise she just slapped me because she seemed upset about your guy's break."
"I-I just can't believe... well... uh..." He was about to say something in incredible disbelief but stopped himself realizing something. He then drops his face in his hands and sighed.
"I can totally believe she'd do something like this. I won't even pretend like I'm shocked she did this." He muffled into his hands.
"Y-Yeah..." I said looking down at my feet.
"But," he started, taking his head out of his hands, "I'm really sorry she did that. I didn't think about the backlash that would have on you when I talked to her, I was just upset and thinking about you..." He admitted. I raised my brows a little surprised.
"Why?" I asked.
"Why were you thinking about me when you did it?" I asked again, furrowing my brows in confusion.
"I... I guess because of what you told me. I just took what you said to heart. I know how horrible Lisa is and that's just what I was thinking about."
"Well... are you at least happy with her?" I asked.
"Honestly... no." He sighed shaking his head. "I think I'm just with her so I won't be... alone." He shrugged.
"Shawn... that's-"
"I know... I know it's not good..." he said looking away, "can I ask you something?"
"Yes," I answered him.
"Why are you with Lucas? Lisa's so vain when she talks about you guys. I know she's close with Lucas, they talk almost every day and I'll ask about you guys but she'll just say that he hates you or that you guys shouldn't even bother being together. But why?"

"Uh... Shawn me and Lucas are complicated and Lisa... she doesn't know the whole story but I love him." I lied, giving Shawn a fake smile. He looked a little hurt before looking away again.
"R-Right..." He mumbled looking back at me, "b...but you're ok?" He asked again. I just put my hand over his.
"I'm fine." I gave him a small smile. He just firmly holds my hand in his own giving me a weak smile in return. 

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