Chapter 43

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It's been 3 week's since I really started living with Maria and since I've seen Shawn. I feel like I've been a moping mess for Maria. She'll try to cheer me up, take me out to eat, go shopping, or watch a movie but I've just wanted to stay in bed all day the past few weeks. I've still been meeting up with Harry to practice singing and preparing myself for the performance that was tomorrow.

As I was getting ready to go to Mr. Keegan's office I got a notification from Harry on my phone.
"Guess whose opening act! :D" He texted.
"Oh, my gosh Harry, no way!!"
"I'm so excited!"
"Congratulations :)"
"Thank you. What are you doing today? I want to celebrate."
"I'm about to leave to meet Mr. Keegan at 5. I think it's just to let me know about the fundraiser."
"Great! Maybe you'll know when you're performing. But I'll meet up with you over there, we'll get a celebratory dinner off campus."
"Sound's great!"
"Alright, I'll let you get to it then, bye."
"Buh-bye." I smiled at my phone before checking the time and noticing it was 4:45. I just grabbed my keys and headed for the door.

I walked up to Mr. Keegan's office and pulled open the door to reveal him and Shawn talking at his desk. I gasped at the sight of Shawn, he stood there in a white v-neck shirt tucked into his black skinny jeans with his regular black boots. His hair was still just as curly as ever with his single curl hanging down on his forehead. I swallowed hard as I walked in, keeping my eyes on him. He was looking back at me, but it felt weird, I expected him to look mad or upset but he just looked sad. He had dark bags under his eyes and his eyes were droopy.

"Excellent! Now that both of you are here, take a seat." Mr. Keegan gestures to the two chairs in front of his desk. Shawn just sat down still looking at me. I looked at Mr. Keegan as I walked over and took my seat next to Shawn.

"So the fundraiser is tomorrow and I am excited to tell you guys that you will be our second act!" He chimed.
"Wow!" I smiled sitting up and thinking about how we'd be able to perform after Harry.
"I know! I'm also excited to see what you two have come up with. The instrumental sounds great by far of what Shawn's shown me." Mr. Keegan says gesturing to Shawn. I just look over to him and he was now looking away from me.
"So you now know when your performance will be, make sure you arrive an hour early so be sure to get backstage by 3:00 pm." He instructs. I just nod before standing up. Shawn following my lead.
"Alright, I free you two." He waves us off.

I was the first to walk out. As soon as I did I pulled out my phone to text Harry that I was finished. When I barely opened my messages I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Shawn still here.

"Oh... H-Hi." I say feeling nervous as I brush a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Ce... can I talk to you for a minute." He asks.
"Yeah... is it about the fundraiser?" I asked putting my phone back in my pocket.
"No... it's about-"

"Cecilia!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I turned around to see Hary walking up to us, his hands behind his back.
"Oh, hey Harry. Just give me a minute Shawn wants-"
"Nevermind. I'll see you tomorrow." Shawn said before turning around and walking off.
"Come on Cecilia, before he comes back and attacks us again." Harry tried to quietly say but I know it was loud enough for Shawn to hear. Harry grabbed my arm and gently started guiding me away as I just watched Shawn walking away.

As Harry and I walked hand in hand towards the parking lot I heard my phone buzzing in my back pocket. I pulled it out to notice it was shutting off.

"Oh shoot, my phone died," I said stopping as I tried turning it back on.
"That's alright, we're only getting dinner," Harry said and tried walking with me again.
"Do you think I can use your phone, Harry? Just to let Maria know I'll be gone. I was gonna tell her where I was going while we were driving."
"Of course, here." He says reaching in his pocket. I take it from him and go into his messages app. Once I did I noticed a text from Lisa received just an hour ago? I glanced up at Harry who was watching me. I just went to compose a new message.

"Hey, Harry!" We heard someone calling. We followed the voice to someone I didn't know but Harry must have.
"Oh, I'll be right back." He says before walking off.
"Ok." I smiled.

As soon as Harry started walking I quickly went back and opened the messages from Lisa.

"Lucas and I are here. We'll have everything set up in an hour." Was from Lisa.
"How do you expect me to get her to walk into the fucking woods?" Harry replied.
"Tell her you're having car problems before you guys leave and 'break down' in front of the clearing, idiot!"
"Alright but you better pay me good for your sadistic ass."
"Yeah, you'll get your money just bring her here!"

My heart started to beat fast as I looked up at Harry mortified. He seemed to have wrapped up his conversation as he turned around and started walking back to me.

"You ready?" He asks.
"Oh uh, I-"
"Also, I forgot to mention that my cars been a little weird lately but we should be ok." He smiled. I swallowed hard and shook my head. I handed him his phone back and quickly tried to walk away.

"Cecilia?" He asks and I felt him grab my wrist stopping me from walking.
"Cecilia, what's wrong?" He sounds sympathetic. I pull my arm away from his grip and start sprinting off the campus.
"Cecilia!" Harry yelled firmly.

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