Chapter 30

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After I explained my situation to Harry, obviously leaving out a few details like the abuse with Lucas. He just nodded, listening contently to me.

"So... I don't know I was just embarrassed to be seen by him yesterday." I shrugged.
"That's ok, you had a right to feel the way you did and he should respect those boundaries," Harry said. I just nodded.
"Exactly." I agreed.
"Why even bother with him anymore at all, it sounds like you can do better than him." Harry scoffed.
"Well... He still has a sweet side to him, y'know? Like he means well but there's also this dark side that likes to pop out on you and surprise you sometimes."I explained.
"Or maybe it's the sweet side that pops out sometimes. What if he's really not as nice as you think but he can have his moments?" Harry asked, still so calm with his cool demeanor.
"No, he's sweet, I know he is..." I trailed off thinking about it. Although Shawn and I get into it sometimes I know he's not actually bad. I don't think he's ever truly wanted to hurt me.

"I think it's just Lisa," I said.
"Could be." He shrugged. I just sighed, feeling like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.
"Thank you so much, Harry." I smiled at him.
"No problem, if you ever need me," he started, pulling out his phone and tapping on it before showing me the screen, "call me." He said handing me his phone. I look at it to see he's created a new contact and implied that he want's me to put in my information. I smiled and entered my number along with my name before handing it back to him. This feels similar to the time Shawn put me in his contact list too. When we were back at his apartment and just talking, the subject of contacts in our phones came up and we ended up adding each other. I smiled to myself thinking about it.

"You ready to go? I have class in a while but I have time to walk you back to your room if you'd like." Harry said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh! No don't go out of your way for me, go to class I'm gonna stay here for a bit, I just need a minute to myself." I admitted. Harry didn't protest but instead bowed his head to me while getting up with his belongings, letting me know he'll text me later before leaving.

After Harry left I ended up going back to the fountain where Shawn was performing. He was already done and gone by the time I got back but I just needed a moment here longer even if he wasn't here. I thought about his voice. His beautiful voice that still rang through my ears. As I sat there a familiar figure appeared in front of me. I furrowed my brows confused and looked up.

It was Lisa.

"What?" I asked.
"You need to get back to the room. Shawn's in there freaking out about something and I don't want to deal with it." She shrugged. I quickly stood up.
"What happened?" I asked worriedly. She just shrugged again. I rolled my eyes before I started sprinting for the room.

I ran all the way to the dorms and as soon as I stepped in the elevator I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed Shawn's number, at least making sure he was still able to get to his phone. No answer. Probably because I was in a fucking elevator.

It stopped on the third floor for someone to get in. I took that opportunity to get out and go to the staircase. I dialed him again and it took a moment before the phone actually started ringing, but by the fourth ring, I was already up the 2 flights of stairs. I removed the phone from my ear and ran up to the door of my room. I pulled out my keys to unlock it but as soon as I did I heard Shawn's voice coming from my phone. By the time I heard it I had already opened the door and saw who was inside.

"Well... look who the fuck finally showed up." Lucas scoffed. I dropped everything in my hands out of shock as I breathed heavily from the running.

"Cecilia? Ce what's wrong? What's going on." Shawn's voice was barely heard on the line. But I didn't focus on that right now.

"Well... get in here," Lucas commanded. I quickly picked up my things and shut the door behind me. I brought my phone up to my ear as I started to even my breathing.

"U-Um. I just got to my room, Maria. I'm fine, Lucas is here now." I tried playing it off like I was speaking to Maria so Lucas wasn't suspicious.
"What?! Cecilia get the fuck out of there! Come to my place, I'll meet you  halfway, just get your ass over here now!" Shawn yelled.
"N-No, it-it's ok, Bean. I'll be fine here..." I felt my eyes starting to water, knowing that it was a lie.
"Cecilia, please!" Shawn begged. I heard shuffling on the other end of the line.
"I love you, Bean." I quietly said, starting to cry before hanging up my phone, never taking my eyes off of Lucas. He just pursed his lips.

"Wow... is it just me or did Maria sound like a man?" He asks. I swallowed hard. "Did you think I was a fucking IDIOT!" He yelled. Making me flinch.
"N-No," I answered quickly.
"I know you only came back because Lisa told you that your precious Mendes needed help, but wow I didn't expect you to be here so quickly." Lucas went back to his calm demeanor as he crossed his arms.
"I-I was worried," I admitted.
"Oh, I know you were... Now get the fuck over here. I guess you just never learn your fucking lesson." He demanded. I had no other choice but to obey.

I walked up to him and he just glared down at me.

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