Chapter 8

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"Oh my God!" Maria exclaimed, her jaw hung open from shock.
"I know." I sighed looking down and picking at my nails.
"I mean in all honesty though Lisa deserved it." Maria shrugged.
"No don't say that," I whined.
"And why not?" She questioned putting her hands on her hips.
"Because... she maybe wicked but she doesn't deserve to be mistreated by the man she loves."
"Oh, Cece," Maria sighed wrapping her arms around me, "you truly are too good for this world. Not even wishing horrible things on your enemies."
"I still hate them though," I said.
"Fair enough," Maria said cuddling me further. I slightly smiled at her.
"I love you, Bean."
"I love you too, Cece."

It was 8 pm and Maria had class at 7 in the morning so I decided to go back to my own dorm room and give her, her space and time to rest up. Besides I'm concerned about what will happen to my things if I leave Lisa with them for too long.

I walk up to the door to my room and put the key in it unlocking the door. I twist the knob and push open the door only to find Shawn laying in Lisa's bed playing on his phone.

He looked away from his phone for a second to see me enter but went back to what he was doing. I furrowed my brows in confusion as I entered.

"Excuse me?" I asked closing the door behind me.
"What?" He sounded annoyed.
"What do you mean what? What are you doing here?!" I asked throwing my keys on my bed.
"I'm waiting for fucking Lisa to bring her ass over here." He said annoyed.
"Tch, I wouldn't be surprised if she never wanted to talk to you again," I mumbled to myself.
"What the fuck did you say?" He asked putting his phone down to look at me.
"Nothing." I snapped at him.
"No, no let me hear you say that shit to my face. One more time!" He barked at me as he stood up.
"Don't come near me," I said walking over to my bed feeling slightly intimidated.
"Not until you tell me again what the fuck you just said to me." He demanded, getting closer until he was in my face.
"I will call security if you-" I held my phone up threatening him but he quickly grabbed it from my hands and threw it over on Lisa's bed. He then pushed me down on my bed. I landed on my back and he immediately climbed on top of me.

Using all my strength I pushed on his chest trying to get him off.
"Get off of me!" I screamed. but he ignored me and grabbed both my hand pinning them above my head.
"Please!" I yelled again as I wiggled under him trying to free myself. My eyes started to water and I looked away not allowing him to see me cry.
"Please..." I croaked. But he stayed on me.

Without saying anything he gently grabbed my face with his free hand and turned my head back to him. I looked into his big brown eyes pleadingly. He looked back at me almost sympathetically. I felt the tears start to flow from my eyes and slide down the sides of my face.

"Why..." He asked trailing off as his thumb wiped away my tears on one side of my face.
"Why do I still love you? You betrayed my trust and all I could think about is how much I want to be with you..." He said sliding his thumb down to my lips, caressing them gently.
"Shawn... please," I cried to him, "I never wanted to hurt you, I liked you so much. Lisa lied to you." I explained. Shawn said nothing and let go of my hands. I quickly pulled them to my chest and looked away from him again. He stayed silent as he just stood back up and turned his back to me. I crawled to the corner of the wall on my bed and hugged my knees watching him carefully as I sniffled.

"You know... I want to believe you but you were never there for me. Lisa was though. She basically made me who I am now and I owe her so much but at the same time..." He trailed off again. But he didn't finish his sentence. He just walked over to Lisa's bed and grabbed my phone. He tossed it to me and it landed right at my feet.

"Call security. Report me. Get me kicked out. I said what I needed to say." He said sounding defeated while he collected his phone, wallet, and charger. How long was he in here?

I just watched him and he walked out, shutting the door behind him as he left.

The next day I was silently sitting in my English class. As soon as I walked in the professor instructed me which table I was going to sit at. It looked like everyone would have a partner for the class since all tables had 2 chairs at each of them. I wondered who my partner would be for just a slight moment before I went back to moping.

I can't believe how aggressive Shawn has gotten. I remember back in high school how he'd look at me so innocently and acted so polite. I smiled at the thought. He was so adorable and so kind. He never bothered anyone which is why I never understood why he got bullied so often. Maybe that's why he's been acting like this. He looks like he's been well off and he can fend for himself now if anyone tried messing with him. It could also just be Lisa corrupting him. What did he mean when he said Lisa was there for him and I wasn't? Did she go up to him and take him under her wing like she did with me? Why would she? She honestly hated him so much how could she turn around and make him into this monster?

I sat there lost in thought when I heard the chair next to me slide across the floor. I quickly looked over to see Shawn sitting there.

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